I saw today where Saban said if the politics of the institution get involved in the coaching search then it won't be good. Could anyone here shed some light on this for me. What exactly is he getting at? Happy New Years :thumb:
BoS do not like hire someone with more clout than themselves, then dictating what goes on in the athl dept financially.
Nick is pissed b/c he probably told Jimbo that he would be a shoo in, plus he isn't taking any of them with him. Him leaving LSU for Miami and a new coach coming in will thin the asst. coaches.
If Nick is pisssed about anything its because he spent five years on the inside and knows that if SOME POEPLE get their way they could &%$# up a two car funeral!! :angryfire
You got it. If the stories about Les Miles being the head choice are true, looks like Nick was right.