just one HUGE earthquake in California so they will finally fall into the Pacific and quit their damn crying! Cant you just hear their last words as they tumble in, "We are really playing in the National Championship not those guys in that other bowl..............Gulp, Gulp!" I just hope Trev is their with'em.:sob:
I live in California unfortunatly. I know how to swim but i am afraid trev alberts would try to molest me. I hear he spends alot of time during the week at Michael Jackson house. I have to say one good thing about living here now is i will be attending any sporting event in the san fran area where USC is involved and i will be screaming LSU National Champions at the top of my voice. I will carry picket signs and picket outside their events. I am thinking of driving down to Picket their campus. Maybe I will hire a traveling car with a loudspeaker to go around USC campus telling them what losers they are and how Michigan is going to whip them. Never ever doubt the heart of an LSU TIGER or their fans. Geaux Tigers
A MIRACLE..............GO MICHIGAN But, it sucks rootin for a michigan team that are stuck on themselves, thier fans are the worst......... And they haven't won a championship in how many years?
Don't waste your time with Mich's fan board. Their admin is quit the arrogant one. You will get runned by many so called Mich fans that live in Louisiana(they are probably depressing ULL fans that are on the mich bandwagon). I kicked off by basically saying that Chris Perry will be eating Lavalais' jock.