Bobby Petrino is a straight up a$ $hole. Did you see him walk away from Les after the post game handshake? Les was trying to say something to him and he just walked away. What a poor freakin' sport. He may have been pissed about us passing while up 21, but how many times has that jack hole run up the score on an opponent?
Petrino just bitchedd at Miles when they shook hands. I think he wanted them to kneel it out with 10:09 to go in the game. What a joke!!!
I don't know who the Hogs will be playing in a bowl game. I do know this. I will be rooting like hell for whoever they do play. Petrino is a classless jerk.
Petrino needs to get used to it ! Bama beats the hogs LSU beats the hogs so the best he can hope for is 10-2 !!!
You guys realize this is the same person who left the Atlanta Falcons high and dry in 2007 in the middle of the season. Not a word. The next thing the Falcons heard was Arkansas was having a press conference announcing him as their next head coach. Atlanta players had some really choice words for Petrino. That guy is a straight up POS.
Announcers, and football fans in general, tend to either forget or just gloss right over this. He showed his true character. When things get tough he either pouts and bitches or tucks his tail and runs. Guy(gal really) has absolutely NO character whatsoever. Agreed: total POS.