If you haven't see this guy start watching now. He's another person fighting to bring this country back to what our Founders would like. I can almost feel the Revolution coming with guys like him getting involved. Time to erradicate these politicians we have now... He was also Ron Paul's Financial Advisor. YouTube - Voice of Reason - Peter Schiff for Senate 2010
No doubt Schiff is a no BS economist who called the ball correctly on the crisis in banking and MBS. I saw him on Morning Joe, and on politics, he's obviously a neophyte and out of his element. I'll be surprised if he wins.
No just because hes not a carrier polictian doesnt mean hes not capable, he will be just what we need.:grin:imo:usaflagwa
The problem is the Majority, like those on this board, don't elect people that can actually help this country.
agreed, to an extent. To me the problem with this country is the 2 parties. Republicans have failed this country as have Democrats. I am all for abolishing both parties.
Maybe so, but being a good lawmaker and being a good campaigner are mutually exclusive. They don't necessarily go together.
Based off his belife on his constitutional belifes, and whats the the best way to run a free country are are spot on. We know that he would make a good senater, unless he lies, but I dont belive he would because hes not a carrier politaican. And he comes off as a real person.:usaflagwa