Pet Peeve

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by fanatic, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. married2atiger

    married2atiger Founding Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    I almost got into a fight with 3-4 drunks at an arena football game here in Bossier last year... Don't get me wrong- beer+football=good time, but AF2 in bossier is more family oriented and these guys were acting like complete idiots in front of a bunch of kids.
  2. TexTiger

    TexTiger Founding Member

    Jun 3, 2003
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    I'd be drunk and stupid too if I had to watch Quincy Carter play:wave:
  3. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Quincy is probably the one drunk and stupid, actually.
  4. khounba

    khounba Founding Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    People who stand and talk in the middle of a walkway or stairway and act like nobody need to get through.

    People who go through the left side of a double door.
  5. orlandotiger

    orlandotiger GEAUX TIGERS!

    Aug 25, 2004
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    ME TOO!!! Even wore then that the people that are walking in front of you and then their phone rings...they can't talk and walk at the same time so they come to COMPLETE stop in front of you. Sometimes you miss them and sometimes you graze the side of them and they look at you like you put them out! I stopped trying to miss them now, I actually try and pick up speed and give them a good shove and make my point...

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    Most of mine are a result of my daily commute and/or travel.

    *people who won't turn on a green light until they see the green arrow :nope:
    *short people who feel the need to crank their seat in my lap on an airplane
    *people who bring their entire wardrobe on a plane and try to stuff it in the overhead bin
    *people who think they own the fast lane and have a right to drive 50 mph :cuss:
    *cashiers who refer to change as "cent" 50 cent, 75 cent, 25 cent :huh:
    *people who stop on the top of the high-rise or twin-span humps
    *minor fender benders that won't move to the shoulder
    *fast food workers using cell phones while working (well...on the clock)
    *people who pass school buses while they're stopped with lights activated
    *bad drivers
    *Mexican convoys towing cars south
    *people who ride their brakes
    *people with Tulane bumper stickers (pizza delivery)

    I'm surprised I didn't see any home issues: leaving the toilet seat up, over or under toilet paper issue, leaving the cap off the toothpaste, using the last of something and not replacing it, misplacing the remote control, etc..............
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    UGHHHH or the ones who take forever to make a turn. If you are literally at your turn, and I am 500yds behind you going 50 mph, there is NO reason other than the car stalling for me to let off the gas.

    I brought this up in a long ago thread. Its called a "carry on" Drives me NUTS when someone is trying to stuff a suit case in the O/H bin. I refuse to help and often make snide comments like, "yeah buddy, should have checked that one"

    Yep, the fast lane is for people unafraid to go over the posted speed limit. Stay out, and if someone behind you is willing to push the limit more than you are, MOVE!!!

    eh, I'm gulity of all of these crimes so it would not be fair of me to complain about any of them.
  8. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    thank you! i am always afraid i am giving lsu a bad name cause i am forever running over people here in the left lane. and they do so when they are going abreast of someone in the right lane (or two lanes) blocking the whole damned interstate! i cannot get on i-35 north without that happening.

    and what is it with okies? i swear, people here are afraid to drive in the rain. then, they have to drive UNDER the speed limit in every lane. drives me freakin nuts.

    and lets not forget the people at red lights who dont know you can turn right on red. not a car coming on the cross street for 3 miles and they just sit and sit, not making their right turn till the light is green. really green.

    either that or they dont know right on red after stop means IF NO ONE IS COMING. that happens when i am the one in the intersection of the cross street and having to slam on my breaks when they pull out in front of me.

    as long as i have been married, we have had seperate bathrooms. that is why we havent killed each other yet.
  9. stegaman

    stegaman Founding Member

    May 21, 2008
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    my biggest pet peeve has always been people who don't use turn signals when they drive, especially when they are turning at a 4-way stop.
  10. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Economy class on an airplane is so tight that I get really annoyed if the person in front of me feels the need to recline their freakin' seat AT ALL. Honestly, do I want some stranger in my lap during a flight?

    And about the toilet paper issue: is it a guys vs. girls sort of thing? I cannot stand for the toilet paper to be put on with the paper pulled from the bottom. It should be pulled from the top. However, the few times that my husband bothers to change the toilet paper, he always puts it on backwards. I, of course, change it--so I actually would prefer that he just never change the rolls.

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