You can report fraudulent use of handicapped plates to the DMV. They can't fix it if they don't know.
People who promise to do things that you count on them to do, and then they flake out on you and dont bother calling you to let you know what is going on!
:wave: Bama knows only to use the "P" word when he is 100% certain it will happen. Otherwise I get a lil peeved. Okay, a lot.
who ever came up with the volkswagon/brooke shielsd/only having a baby for the car commercial should be shot. that commercial drives me up a wall and it is already airing (meaning it will at least 5,362 more times) during the troy/fau game.
What, she said something? Hadn't noticed, however what is very apparent is she is still smoking hot! This overrules anything which may ever be considered trivial. Girl friend has held it together quite nice.
Violations of M.A.W.W (Men against Working Weekends) People who wear socks with sandals and the list topper (for me anyway) There is a lot of construction on I-35 where it is down to one lane. There are signs posted 15 miles before the choke point telling people to merge. Of course there are a$$ holes who refuse to do so and insist on staying in the wrong lane ALL the way to the damn barrels. This causes traffic to back up for miles waiting for these jackasses to be let in. There is not a scale in existance to measure my hatred for these people. I have however learned a new techinque from the truckers. I now jump into said wrong lane, however I go as fast as the traffic moving in the correct lane and I refuse to let the idiots get by me. Doesn't work very well but it sure pisses them off.