Robert Davi Teams up with Congressman to Push Tax Breaks for Pets - ABC News I know this is long shot legislation, but still. Is everything else in the country fixed to where we now have the time to start worrying about pets?
I always wished i could get a tax deduction for my dogs but they dont have ss numbers for me tol claim em on my income taxes.
Just apply for them. You'll probably get them. You could name one Jihad B. DeathtoAmerica and probably get one.
They pay less as a percentage of their income. They only pay more because they make more money. I'll never understand some one in the middle class kissing rich peoples asses.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, when times are hard economically it's fiscally responsible to go about and take on the added expense of a pet? And if you spend your money irresponsibly and buy a pet you can't afford, you should be rewarded with a tax credit? I don't think I follow the logic here. Not to mention that this is being championed by the absolute worst Bond villain of all time. I vote no strictly based on that.