Perspective of Ole Miss

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Soap, Nov 4, 2004.

  1. Soap

    Soap Founding Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    This article was sent to me, the subject was title "Ole Miss from an Auburn perspective". It's hi-larious.

    ON Oct 27, 2004 - 03:07 PM by ChadGibbs

    I believe it was William Faulkner who said of Ole Miss fans, "They are
    as haughty as the French, more arrogant than the Crimson Tide,
    exceeding even the British in snobbery, all while carrying a list of
    accolades shorter than Vanderbilt's." Actually I said all of that, but
    you get the point.

    Who knows where this unfounded arrogance comes from? It's seems their
    seersucker suits give them super powers, where they can convince
    themselves that North-Central Mississippi is the center of high society.
    You can try and reason with them, but you will fail. Truth is you can
    only argue so long with a man wearing a bow tie before you burst into
    hysterical laughter. You are better off to just let them be. Sip their
    mint juleps, flirt with their daughters, and pocket some of their
    silverware when they are not looking.

    Perhaps much of their superciliousness is due to the fact Ole Miss has
    remained faithful to an Old South lifestyle. Perhaps superciliousness is
    the longest word I've ever typed. But in recent years The University of
    Mississippi (School Motto: Two Books, Twelve Teeth, and a Dream), has
    undergone a serious image makeover. When you go to Oxford these days
    you will not hear the Ole Miss Band play Dixie, and you will not see Colonel
    Reb walking the sidelines. But traditionalist need not worry, Ole Miss
    will continue its tradition of cheering during the opposing teams Alma
    Mater. So while you may forget their Southern heritage, you'll never
    forget that they are jackasses.

    Another tradition that remains intact is tailgating in the Grove.
    According to, the Grove is a "10-acre grassy plot
    of ground in the center of campus which is heavily shaded by large oak

    According to Chaste Chad, the Grove is a big field where Ole Miss fans eat
    corndogs off fine china and put candelabras on card tables. I guess it
    is fun to dress up fancy and pretend you are not in Mississippi, but who
    are they kidding? During the off-season, the Grove is used to reenact
    Civil War battles.

    And I don't want to offend any Civil War reenactors, because they carry
    muskets. But why relive a war we lost? I love Auburn and its history,
    but I'm not about to reenact the '85 Iron Bowl.

    Despite the sleepy Old South exterior, Oxford is fast becoming known for
    its overuse of a modern medical marvel; namely, the breast implant.
    Campus is covered with scantily clad coeds, sporting the nicest boobs
    daddy's money can buy. Being chaste and engaged, I must keep my eyes to
    myself. However you dear reader are free to enjoy these strippers-to-be
    and their Leather mini-skirts. Just be sure and act like a gentleman,
    because daddy has been drinking in the Grove all morning, and he brought
    his musket.

    Way down yonder in the land of cotten,
    Eli's gone, your team is rotten.
    Look away, look away, look away. Dixie Land
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That was funny. :D :thumb:
  3. DDTigerFan

    DDTigerFan Back from the Dead

    Feb 9, 2003
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    I think he hit the nail on the head!
  4. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    There's no team's fans that I hate more than Ole Miss's...
  5. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    you ought to have to live up here amongst this crap.

    what gets me is they act like "tailgating in the grove" is the greatest thing.

    My wife went to a game ( OLE MISS ) with some people she works for that are alumni several years ago. ( she had to, it was business )

    They told her grandios stories of how "special" this grove is for tailgating, and oh how special it was that day for jefferson pilot to be there. :dis:

    Oh my wife was soooooo impressed. ( at the time she had never been to an LSU home game ) :dis:

    Well I laughed at them and they got their lil itsy bitsy feelings hurt, asking, " what's wrong with our grove?".

    I told them it was nice and picturesque and all but the best way I could explain it to them was, see this drop of water? that's the grove. Now imagine a #5 Hurricane. that's LSU's campus scenery and comradery during tailgating. Sure the grove has old oaks and nice scenery but....... the nicest thing I could say was, it's sorta quaint. They scrunched their eyebrows up in disbelief. :dis:

    These folks never go to away games.

    Well Lo' and behold I got some tickets to go to an LSu game and invited out hapless Rebel friends that same year.

    We got to BR and found a parking spot. They wandered around campus behind us in their lil Rebel jackets looking in awe at the crepe Myrtles, old buildings, indian mounds and giant antebellum oaks on LSU's campus.

    One was overheard to comment, well ya'll's whole campus tailgates. I just nodded and said I tried to tell you.

    Finally as it neared time for kick off and we made our way to tiger stadium, my wife turned to one of the them and said. My husband was right, OLe MISS is a drop in the bucket compared to LSU. :hihi:

    I just smiled. Case closed.
  6. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    THAT WAS NOT FUNNY. THAT WAS NOT FUNNY AT ALL. true--but not funny :) :) :)
  7. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    No wonder its easy to hate :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire: :eek:lefire:
  8. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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  9. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Funny story...........even though it's from a AU fan :)

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