What do y'all think about people that whistle or "hum" to themselves in public? It's never bothered me although someone complained about it recently and I've started to notice it more. I can't whistle and have never been someone that hummed aloud (either in private or public). Some places that are semi-private like a gym locker room seem more appropriate than around the office or while waiting in line at a restaurant (these are the three places I've happened to notice it over the past month).
Drives me nuts. It's my own issue though, I just don't like certain sounds. Hearing people chomp their food, when people who wear sandals scuff/shuffle their feet, TMJ cracking, gum snapping. Humming isn't so bad, it's more the whistling because it seems that the ones who do are trying too hard and want to be noticed. Since movie theater food/drinks are so ridiculously overpriced, and it's resulted in folks basically bringing a gotdamn picnic to the theater, I get bothered with all the wrapper crinkling, paperbag smashing, popcorn kernel chewing. I wish theaters would offer a wireless headset option.
People who have phone conversations on speakerphone in public places drive me nuts. Wendy's and Burger King seem to really attract a lot of them. They seem oblivious to how loud they are talking and don't give a shit that it annoys everyone around them.
That too. Basic conversation is annoying but I'm always stunned when people have full on phone fights and arguments in front of others. Damn.
I can't even remember the last time I heard somebody whistling in public or in private. So I guess it doesn't bother me if I don't notice it. People started doing that back when Nextel introduced the walkie talkie connect feature on their phones. Would drive me nuts that I not only had to listen to their end of the conversation but I had to hear the stupid responses on the other end too
People who whistle in public eventually talk to themselves in public and become homeless schizophrenics.
There is a guy who lives about 3 houses away from me who use to whistle loudly while working in his garden. His own yard so I guess it's OK. He has gotten older now and doesn't work in his garden anymore, so no whistling. He is retired but he was a professor at LSU. During election times he always has signs in his yard for liberal candidates
This thread is hilarious. Just today I saw a dude whistling while walking back to his car at the post office. I thought nothing of it at the time (or any other time I've seen it happen), but reading this post jogged my memory of it and cracked me up. I'll probably start noticing it a lot more now that I'm aware of it.
A couple of years ago I saw a college age looking guy in Winn-Dixie. He wasn't whistling on singing but he was wearing a T Shirt with the words of the Brady Bunch theme song on the back