What a speech. Hillary is a thing of the past. We have a new woman on the rise. "Some use change to promote a career...some use a career to promote change" -Brilliant!
Why didnt BET cover the RNC like they did the DNC? I watch BET most of the day I am very disappointed that I missed the speech.
Remember the days you had to tell a youngin to turn the knob OR geaux outside to turn the antenna till reception dialed in? :hihi: I was that kid. Like all of about 10 channels total!!! Sorry for the hijack. Still getting the solid gold years out of my head! Like an 8-track, it never fuggin stops...
If you think trite one liners passes for intelligent discourse, then I guess you think it was a slaughter. I didn't see any discussion on fiscal responsibility in Washington, dealing with the deficit, no specifics, no issues. McCain is brave, he had his arms broken. Yes, McCain is physically brave. That happened to many, and no, that does not qualify someone to be president. McCain backed Georgia immediately, Obama didn't. Big nothing. What has happened? Nothing. She said Obama will raise taxes, omitting that he said he would raise taxes only on the rich, lying through omission, and ignoring that he said he would cut taxes for 95% of americans. Twisting the truth. If you think you are losing on the issues, lie and deflect the race to anything you think you can, like "executive experience", which another thread has shown to be an empty argument. Intelligence and judgment are what really counts. Her speech, totally devoid of substantive issues like dealing with our horrible fiscal nightmare created by Bush, adding $5 trillion to the deficit in 8 years, cratering the dollar, causing inflation. That's a huge issue. What does she say about it? Nothing. The republicans caused the problem. Our foreign policy based on unilateral military intervention, even when not justified, has been a disaster. What about that? Nothing. John is a brave man, and I have executive experience. True statements, but totally irrelevant to the major issues facing the nation. I give her speech an "F".