Man this is getting good. "And Alaska we're set up, unlike other states in the union, where it's collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs."
Its basically a windfall tax on the oil companies, something McCain is against, but she is for in her state. Alaska redistributes the profits from the tax to the people there. I read about this today, I wasnt going to post it, because its pointless at this stage of the game.
A fool here chiming in, Palin is taking the tax from oil companies, and letting Alaskan residents benefit from the resource their state is producing. It is actually anti-socialism as she is putting money back in the hands of the people instead of the government deciding what they need. This extra money then is spent and bolsters the economy. It helps families afford the higher cost of living in Alaska. This is far different than taxing "successful" individuals in order to create "fairness". But history will show that it doesn't do this it instead tries to eliminate the middle class and keep people in poverty. Don't worry I don't expect this to make sense. Obama supporters only see what they want to see. When he begins to fail, all he has to say is "It's George Bush's fault!".
whoa, my heads a little dizzy from the GREAT SPIN, i just encountered. Hmm, this explanation is kinda like cutting taxes for people who make less than 250k.
Its not spin, unless you want it to be. Its a resource the state produces. She is not taking money from all businesses and giving it back. And ALL residents take in the benefit, not just the "class" of people she chooses.
No, all states tax gasoline, oil, and whatever, they just don't let their residents benefit from that (again state natural resource)...she believes in government on the side of the people. If its not your worldview, than it is hard to see the difference here. I believe in the fair tax option (flat tax). I believe in Reagan's mantra "Government is not the solution to the problem, govenment is the problem". That's my worldview, and I figure I better express my opinions while I still can! :shock: