:geaux: Outstanding article. Gives a lot of insight as to why his players love him so much and play so hard for him. He's one of a kind for sure. :thumb: :LSU231: http://www.thetowntalk.com/article/20111225/SPORTS/112250318/Miles-shows-nice-guys-can-finish-first?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE
This is another good one, more about the players........ Playing for family | LSU | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA
I might dislike him if he was beating the heck outta my team. Especially twice in one season and three times in a row:hihi:
Great to see a nice guy finish first. :miles: With that attitude, demeanor and outlook, I'd bet he can have a long and successful career as a head coach.
To suffer the loss and devastation that Blue has and be as successful as he has since... is another testament to Tiger perseverance. Best of luck to him and the team on Jan. 9th.
Had to do a double take and read it twice. Dildeaux normally doesn't write complimentary things about Les. It was a good article and provided some insight into why our players love playing for The Hat.