OU fan bad mouth's LSU fans and SUgar bowl experience http://mb31.scout.com/fnotredamefrm1.showMessage?topicID=15168.topic
I found it funny that my wife's cousin talked about how bad LSU fans were before the Arkansas game and I witnessed more cursing and rude behavior from the Arkansas fans than I did from the LSU fans. My wife and I did have to break up a fight between and LSU and Arkansas fan after the game. Although I don't know how it started I did apoligize for his rude behavior to the Arkansas fans. That was the only instance of rude LSU behavior I experienced there. It wasn't even comparable to amount rude behavior I witnessed and experienced the Arkansas fans. All teams have their bad share of fans it just so happens that people only talk bad about us.
This is such a tired story.. Opposing fans (More so when they lose) jump on the "LSU fans are horrible" It has long moved off my "I give a Sh*t" radar. At least Auburn fans have finally gotten off the "LSU fans raped my grandmother on the 20 yard line during pregame warmup, then rained urine and puke from the upper decks" garbage. Yawn....
I was at the 03 NCG, and I partook in some events outside the game before the game (a few days). I didn't really see anything outrageous on either side. I didn't have any trouble with OU fan. Most were gracious and cool. I think they were in shellshock at the sheer numbers we had in the city. I don't think they have experienced anything like it. Not even going to Pasadena with USuCk fan measured up to what we had going on in NOLA. Being outnumbered in the city something like 100-1 (or more) can give someone a distorted view of what is really going on. They just couldn't enjoy themselves like they probably should have had they been on a truly neutral field. Anyway, don't be angry at that one OU fan. He's full of it, and we can take satisfaction knowing that he has been carrying around some serious baggage for the last three years courtesy of LSU, NOLA, and the entire state of La. :hihi:
This is what Bob Stoops was doing when he watched the tape of the 2003 Champ game. He's a closet LSU fan... so tell the OU fans to chill out.