OSU fans are more positive on their board...

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by radrod, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. radrod

    radrod Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    about LSU's future than we are on this board. Many of them have looked at our talent and are giving adulation to the expected future accomplishments that will happen with Les Miles at the helm. A couple of them are going so far as to predict Miles will bring LSU to another national championship.

    I definitely don't expect the pressupositions by the OSU fans are reason enough to assuage many of the doubting tiger fans...just thought it was interesting to see them be so complimentary of LSU's future. Many are wishing him well and say they are going to pull for LSU; I know I would be a little disconcerted if Saban left for another college team and we had the probability of losing some key recruits because of it...I certainly would not be wishing him well. They have one of three perspectives to be talking like that:
    1) Acquiesent to always have a mid-level Big 12 team
    2) Really respect LSU's talent and Les Miles capabilities, or
    3) All mellowed out on marijuana
  2. HatcherTiger

    HatcherTiger Freedom Isn't Free

    Oct 24, 2002
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    OSU fans may also be very content with their new HC and feel he can do as good a job as Miles or better. I'm also sure they appreciate that Miles has left the program in good shape for the new coach to pick up and run with.
  3. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    May 14, 2003
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    If we had a former Tiger that was a coordinator here, but a head coach that wasn't a "home-boy", we'd be thinking the same things. The OSU fans are high on Gundy. It would be like Casanova being a very good coach, and coaching at an assistant level here, and then getting the promotion.

    No doubt the OSU fans recognize, more than we do, about what Miles has brought to Stillwater, and how he's changed the face of that program, and the state he leaves it in. Anytime you have a coach that was YOUR former player, you tend to not be as jumpy-worried that he'll mess up because you're convienced that he feels the same love and admiration for the school that the fans do.
  4. OSUCowboyFan

    OSUCowboyFan Freshman

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Or it could be that OSU fans are very good fans (as opposed to the bandwagon types) who recognize a good coach, hate to see him go....but are more than willing to wish him and his new team well.

    And no...we don't aspire to be a mid-level program in the B12. We WILL compete, year-in and year-out with the likes of OU, Texas and A&M and we will win our share of games.

    I guess....on the flipside.....you could question yourselves about having the state of LA to yourselves and the superior talent coming out of there....that you should be competing for a Conference Championship and NC, every year? and if you don't something's wrong.:)
  5. LSUDeek

    LSUDeek All That She Wants...

    Dec 8, 2003
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    I'd say being one point and a BS call away from another SECCG appearance is "competing". We couldn't help the loss to UGA. Theirs was a one-game season with us as their one game.
  6. radrod

    radrod Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2003
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    I certainly wasn't trying to denigrate the OSU fans...I was only being facetious. I agree that the OSU fans are just good college football fans; I think fans of most of the mid-west schools are warm and gracious college football fans. I really enjoyed chatting with the Iowa Hawkeye fans before and after our bowl game...their disposition reminds me a lot of you guys. SEC fans tend to be a little more rabid about their own schools and caustic about the competition.

    But I think it is a combination of both being good fans of the game and what was posted above about being content with a "home boy" taking over. As was said above, it certainly seems like the OSU fans are happy with Gundy taking over so makes the departation of Miles a little less painful.
  7. TSdude

    TSdude Founding Member

    Sep 3, 2004
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    I have a former employee and friend who works in the AD at OSU and worked with Les Miles.

    He said that Miles will be alright at LSU. He said that Miles is a good recruiter who is a charming person to recruits and players love his positive attitude. He said that Miles is really careful of the things he says in the media and is generally well prepared because he doesn't want to make any silly statements.

    He said that he runs a balanced offense but will play smash mouth football the old Michigan way. He said Miles works long hours and is good with his schemes but that making halftime adjustments has not alway been Miles' strong point if his schemes aren't working.

    He also said that he believes Miles will be successful at LSU and will leave for Michigan or the NFL.
  8. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    Radrod, I knew you were being facetious and didn't get and disrespect from it.

    I think that the part about most OSU fans being good people who like Miles for what he did for the team and want to see him succeed is right on target. Having the luxury of being a fan of both LSU and OSU fan in this situation I can honestly say I was sad he was leaving Stillwater, but happy he was going to BR. My dad bleeds orange, but understood the opportunity and wishes him well.

    Ya'll are right about OSU fans love Gundy because he is a home-boy. A lot of people wanted him instead of Miles when Les first got the OSU HC position. Personally, at the time I questioned if Gundy was ready to be head coach and happy Miles was selected. I think Mike is a better coach now because he had the opportunity to learn a lot as OC under Miles. I do wonder if he has the ability to bring in the staff and continue recruiting as well as Miles, but we will know the answers to those questions soon enough. Of course, I run the risk of being branded a heretic (or worse, an OU fan) by OSU fans by questioning if Mike Gundy is ready. But, I am ready to give him the chance and hope does a fantastic job.

    Which is what I am hoping from LSU fans for Miles. I understand questions, but I hope fans will give him the chance to prove what he can do for the program.

    Geaux Tigers!
    Geaux Pokes!
  9. OSUCowboyFan

    OSUCowboyFan Freshman

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Thanks OkieTiger.....I couldn't agree more. I hated to see Miles go but I feel Gundy is ready to take the reins as HC and also to know that you'll have some continuity in staff (maybe not a lot) but still a solid foundation.

    As with Miles, the proof of the pudding will be played out on Saturdays in the upcoming years and it will be easy to tally up the W's and L's to make a determination if it was a good move or not.

    Also, Miles & Gundy have already been named as respective HC's for their teams. If you're a fan....what good is it going to do you to talk bad about your new coach? Give him the benefit of the doubt until he proves you wrong.

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