YEWofOstinks BT'S Daddy.. SHORTS!! EAT 'EM! Posts: 584 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish to extend a warm welcome to the supporters of the number two ranked team in the nation.... As fate would have it, the fan base is also number two... it's starting to stink in here.... YEWofOstinks BT'S Daddy.. SHORTS!! EAT 'EM! Posts: 585 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey johnny come lately...Do you mean to tell me that the LSU idiots that have been on this board for the past thirty days have any class??? Pot, kettle, black, smooth boy....I am perfectly willing to display some class if it is shown in return... did'nt happen... cry me a river.... BEAT NUMBER TWO!!!!!! beav1030 official Tailgate Master Posts: 2301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know it is starting to stink in here... I'm sorry ok... I have a phucking gas problem... thanks for calling to everyones attention...ok.. I know it smells like musty greasy ol corndawgs.. I have been training for my chow in the South.. that and I need to fill our my bid overalls.... I with you stinky YEWofOstinks BT'S Daddy.. SHORTS!! EAT 'EM! Posts: 588 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you really harbour the illusion that YEW gives a rat's ass what you think?...Come now...let's get real here, lil kitty.... No, I am not some phony phuck, politically correct puss...If you treat me like I'm not worthy, then you can damn well expect that same b.s. in return...If that's a show of low class then so be it.....I'll try and live with it.. So go whine to your "mentor" about the low class way this mean Beaver treated you....lock in on your zen and see if that makes you feel better...polish up your "free Tibet" bumper sticker and take an at-bat in the real world... snivel....piss....whaaa.... trojanwarrior damn.. not him again! Posts: 113 (2/3/04 7:05:46 pm) Reply Re: Well la-dee-dah...I dee-clayah... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't worry YEW, eventually the smell becomes benign. If you want to see what some of these posters are really like, go check out our rivalry board...scroll back a couple of pages, the kitties sprayed their scent all over the place. The threads did not start on the rivalry board, that's just where the mods had to eventually move them. --FIGHT ON! YEWofOstinks BT'S Daddy.. SHORTS!! EAT 'EM! Posts: 589 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should have thought about that one before the lowlife fools from number two lsu came over here and showed us what kind of class YOU have.....
Bring on the Beavers...they won't know what hit'em.... I was in Hawaii last week at a beach in a remote location. I had my LSU hat on and the guy calls me out. "Hey, we are gonna see you in Baton Rouge." I said "Yep." I gave him some props because they have a senior QB coming back and a couple of other good players. I told him though his QB has never seen a defense like he will see in Baton Rouge come September. He went on his way...
OSU will get BLASTED in BR this September. ~~~~~~GUARANTEED~~~~~~ I have seen 1 good OSU team in the last 25 years. These folks get a good team about as often as Halley's comet comes around... ...and that thing was quite the fizzle the last trip through, eh???? I LOVE the bravado these folks have, though... Like any of them have EVER seen or been to a place like TS...
Even on remote beaches, Tiger Fans feel the NEED to let everyone know who we are - PRIDE - I love it!!!
Tell those numbnuts to go over on the ZeroU board and find out what it's like to come into the Tiger's den! :helmet: :lsug: :geaux: :champs: :helmet: :lsug: :geaux: :champs:
They are pretty ignorant sounding. Kind a like West Coast Villians. OrangeAttack Kit I'm Sorry! Posts: 2889 It's a split national championship. Deal with it. I'm sorry kit! sarg1 Posts: 3083 SC is the true CHAMP! If it FLOATS and has FEATHERS..........SHOOT IT! KillerBeavs Valued Visitor Posts: 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your logic is horribly flawed. To use the AP poll in the manner you suggest you are forced to assume that it is accurate. If it is accurate then USC is the No. 1 team. If it is not accurate then your argument is meaningless. The only thing the polls tell us is that people were only willing to vote for LSU as No. 1 if they were forced to. SDBeaver Valued Visitor Posts: 67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great post....except the fact remains that if USC played LSU last year they would have won by three touchdowns. But nice read. BunkerBuster Nine Minute Mike's Number One Fan Posts: 179 Reply High levels of lead in Baton Rouge drinking water, no? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That would explain you people. Fight On! Bennyslovechild Believer! Posts: 229 Reply The entire state of Louisiana... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- suffers from Texas envy. New Orleans is a prostitute of a city. They let you come in, drink, piss, puke, fornicate, yell, get naked.....BUT ONLY IF YOU SPEND MONEY THERE! Why the hell else would you visit that cesspool? LSU is so bent that people actually think USC is better it's funny. I have no problem with splitting the NC, the system needs changing. BTW, if they would have played... USC 31 LSU 17 Bennyslovechild Believer! Posts: 230 (3/15/04 2:38:09 pm) Reply Oh dear...I've offended the Bouche clan... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I spent a few days in NO during Mardi Gras... trust me...I won't go back for that spectacle. How many fortune 500 companies call Louisiana home? (I think it's a whopping one company, Entergy...but I'm not sure they are still in business) What's the educational rank amongst the states that Louisiana holds? (Now you cajuns can resume your practice of making fun of Mississippi)... What's the median income in Louisiana? (Assuming the hookers and drug dealers don't report their true income) How much for a 4 bedroom 2000 sf home in Louisiana? (Stick built, not adobe or grass huts) It's a shame that such a good football team calls that overflowing toilet of a state home. USC would still kick your as$, and that pains me to say because I freaking hate USC. Bennyslovechild Believer! Posts: 231 (3/15/04 2:43:15 pm) Reply I'll try and dumb this down for you... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apparently all my complete sentences and capitizations threw you for a loop. i never said osu would win when we came down and played you in looserana, i just said usc was better and that i think it's funny how ya'll get your coon hats in a bundle when people tell you that those trojans and their purty white horse would have beat the greatest team ever assembled (just ask Ron Zook). Please go back to shooting cans off the back porch and spitting tobocco juice in your empty PBR cans.
...and after a 62-0 debacle Mrs. Cleaver will say to Nick "You were a little hard on the Beavs tonight" ...and the Beavs go back to Orehickgon with their paddle tails between their legs... Beavers? Beavers? BEAVERS? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Boy, now there's a nickname that really inspires fear in the opponent! The MIGHTY Beavers! I'm surprised they didn't pick the warthog because that's what most of their wimmen look like ...and LORD KNOWS the wimmen folk up there are A LOT tougher than the men... ...errrrr MIGHTY BEAVERS.....
I've never understood how people can trash people, a place, a university, or anything so much when they have never experienced it. These people trashing Louisiana and our University have probably never been anywhere out of the Pac. Northwest and are showing just how ignorant they are. One needs to experience something before judging it. Now if they come down here and don't like Louisiana, fine by me. I'm not planning any trips to Oregon anytime soon, and certainly not Corvallis. The Pac. NW is beautiful country, but I'll be going to Seattle and not Corvallis thank you very much.