You can buy Visa cards with anywhere from $25 to $500 on them at almost any grocery, drug or convenience store. Also cards for all kind of things. Dinner at nice restaurants, iTunes, Bass Pro and Cabela's, Bed Bath & Beyond. Last Christmas I bought gift cards for my brother, hise wife and my nephews by making a stop at Albertsons on the way to their house for Christmas dinner.
Nothing says I love you mom like I can't think of shit, buy what you want. Guilty like everyone else. At least tirk sent flowers.
Biggest waste of money. Businesses LOVE to sell those cause so many get lost and never spent. Next thing is you end up spending more than is on card- or leaving a few bucks on it not to.
You have to use the damn things when there's money left on them. I had one for $100 at The Academy and I used $59 to buy some sneakers. Next time I went there I bought about $50 of fishing line, lures, and stuff. When I opened my wallet to get my credit card I saw the gift card so I used it and I only had to pay $19 for the $50 of stuff I bought.