She just wrote the book called Traitor. It is outselling hillary's book. You'll see her on all the political talk shows. She is the blond that used to be a constitutional attorney. I believe she likes to appear on Hannity and Colmes on Fox alot.
She was fired from the National REview, the National REview, for racist commentary. On the talk shows, she just can't get around someone's skin color. She is also a theocrat and believes the government should control the private lives of citizens, including how and when they pray. She holds the usual double standard - blowjobs from interns are treasonous if your name is clinton; laudable behavior if you name is hyde, burton, hutchinson, gunrkich or livingston. She has a condescending attitude. Oh, and she's butt ugly too, in the great traditions of the fake blondes who should have stayed brunette. Well, you asked.
Her commentary on Fox is laughable. I swear she looks like she's gonna give Sean Hannity a BJ every time she is on Fox. The only difference between her and Hannity is Sean actually make a little sense from time to time. I love how he moves his eyebrows, it cracks me up. Hannity is too right wing for me and Colmes is too left wing for me. It is amusing to see them argue though. This one time they had a black guest on and Hannity keep sticking his finger in this guys face. I thought I was about 30 seconds away from seeing Hannity with a foot up his ass.
I have seen her on Hannity&Colmes and heard her on the Sean Hannity Show on the radio. I dont really have a prob with her. What happened to the Sean Hannity Show on WIBR 1300? It doesn't seem to come in anymore and I happened to find it on AM690 but the signal is poor. I have been out of touch with radio for a few weeks due to being on vacation, why has WIBR dropped the Hannity show??
This was the article she wrote - I don't think it was published - she refused to edit it (NR had been down this road with her before) - Here is another site devoted to the lovely klanslady: I don't like either hannity or colmes either.
I believe far wingers from both sides should die a fiery death. All they want to do take a cheap shot when ever it opens up BEFORE doing the business at hand. They seem to have forgotten that business is to represent the people and no special interest groups. They work for US. The good guys on both sides are stuck in a sesspool of greed and power. I really don't care for either party.
Hannity is now on WJBO 115AM after Rush---he is on where Glenn BEck used to be. Beck has moved to 1380 and is now on live from 8am to 11.