Two games to go - let's have 'the want' for victory over ' Are Kansas ' and the nose pickers from college station. FightOn
What's your USC connection? I figure I'm pretty unique here: I was born in Baton Rouge, life-long LSU football fan, but I also have a masters' degree from USC and live in Los Angeles.
To hell with that. I'm looking at the name. Is that (cajun)Oh -Leave- Yay Juggs? If so I want proof! I mean, the name doesn't really matter but you show up with Juggs in the handle and you WILL get my attention. You will also be hearing from @lsutiga soon as well.
I can't keep up with me. @tirk and I had this conversation a couple days ago. Does anyone really do this? I mean really? Why would anyone take the time and energy and effort to do that? Seems they would need some meds. Prozac or whatever it is they use to treat multiple personality disorders. Lithium maybe.
Are you sure? I mean I figured any guy with melon breasted intern would surely not need a question mark