If Saban does stay I can't see him leaving for another NFL job anytime soon. The Dolphins are throwing the bank at him so if he doesn't except this job other teams wont even bother with him. Now saying all that I think he will accept.
I hope that you are right but I thought the same thing last year when he passed up the Bears job. We shall see.
I think this is a very valid point. NFL teams, from this point forward, are gonna be leary of talking to Saban about their head coaching job if he turns this gold mine down. I say he is here for a minimum of 4 years and possibly the length of his contract, is he stays (which is not likely at all).
LMAO Disagree ... Everyone wants a WINNER ... ALL "ARLISS" has to do is "whistle" And the NFL Sidewalk heauxs (The Waynes and the Toms, etc) will be lined up droolin' all over a chance to get their paws on a WINNER ... Saban If Saban stays ... they'll continue to beat the friggin' door down until he does go ... Prices are going up for coaches everywhere ... Winners are "THE ****" Haven't you learned anything ... this crap has been going on since 2001 here with Saban :dis:
I disagree Ramah. Miami is apparently making a foolish offer. His reputation as an excellent coach is untarnished, but no team will look at him as having any serious intention of going to the NFL if he walks away from the Phins' deal. They're not going to waste their time with him. Does that make sense?
Makes perfect sense to me. NFL teams will start to think he has no real interest but just using them to better himself at LSU. Which if he didn't take this job, and wants to coach in the NFL, he is a fool! 5.5 mil, total control, plus part ownership is a crazy amount for a head coach. I think Saban will do good in the NFL if he learns not to go crazy on the sidelines like at LSU. Pro players will not put up with that and I'm sure Saban knows this. I wish him the best but as the ol saying goes "If you are not for LSU you are the enemy".
Yeah ... it makes sense ... for someone who thinks "inside the box" ... you probably never got much pussy in school, didya? You gotta remember one thing ... Who's chasing Who? I believe that a sincere Nick Saban inquiry next year or thereafter would be met with the same fanfare going on now ... no one next year or in two years will give a damn or question the man's reasons for staying at LSU ... Family, personal or otherwise ... they'll be happy he's available and ready to give them a winner I imagine Nick wrapping up here and taking over the Pats job one day when his buddy Bill calls it quits
I disagree with the notion that NS is using the NFL to better himself at LSU. ..he doesn't need to . He is genuinely interested in the pro jobs and it's a matter whether he finds one that fit his criteria. I agree with the idea that even if he stays, NFL will keep on calling him with the prize tag going up, unless, for some reason, he starts to flop at LSU. I think he should stay as he has unfinished business here....like some fan quoted "undisputed NC Championship". ________ Airsoft Tactical