At least i thought so. Once i got near the end i was in stitches. :grin: :hihi: :lol: :rofl: Absolutly. BTW, why does nobody run the flea flicker anymore. Come on Les, just once or twice this season, preferably against Florida. With our running game, its an almost guarenteed TD, provided the reciever doesn't drop it. Thought that was a bit of a nice touch :thumb: :geauxtige
the best part was the lou holtz stuff... ”You can NOT come up with a (bleep)ing viewpoint like that again. You (bleep)ing do it over, and over, and over again and I will NOT tolerate it anymore. If that (bleep)ing horse(bleep) analysis gets us beat on Saturday, you will not be here Sunday, I promise you that. Now get out of my (bleep)ing studio.”
If this is the first time you've read one of Fiu's columns---and it looks like it is---you'll be happy to know the dude brings it like this every single week. Knows his football cold, too.