One need only look at Arafat's funeral to understand the Middle East problem.

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by islstl, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    This reminded so much of the Ayatollah Khomeini back in 1989 when he fell out of his coffin when they were carrying it thru the crowd. I thought the same thing was going to happen to Arafat.
  2. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    I thought the same thing when these idiots were climbing on top of his coffin. They act like cavemen and should be treated as such.
  3. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    And this isn't a case of parts of their society that acts like this or has this frame of mind, it's the entire Palestinian population. Their children are taught (brainwashed) to hate Israeli's and it's the only thing they know.
  4. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    My daughter attends an international preschool here in Plano, Texas. She's befriended a little Israeli girl (only been in America for 4 months.) Her mother has told me she can't understand why Americans are so tolerant of the Palestinians. She said, "You don't understand. They are NOT human. They do not love others the way we do. They hate."
  5. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    A friend I met years ago is from pakistan and she had her firstborn taken from her at birth due to the fact she was educated on actual civilized culture. She spent all of her money and for 3 years searched throughout the country trying to find him. She says the government treats them as kings when they take them and brainwash them into thinking their mothers did not want them so they grow up hating women. She eventually had no resources left but lucked up and was hired by a Pakistani airline. She took it with the hopes of using it as a means to get to the states. Luckily, her employer and employees helped her in every means possible and she now lives in Texas.

    Strangely (years later), in her search to find her son she started looking on the net and came across his name which was very unique, on an ICQ page. She contacted him through ICQ and lo and behold it was him. Once she verified it was him she called him. He proceeded to tell her he hated her and wished her dead and to never call or look for him again. He was still in Pakistan and I guess gave her his number so he could pass on that nice information.

    talk about sad.

    the moral of my story is she thinks we should nuke the entire middle east and said there's no way to rid the place of its infected mindset. She feels zero remorse for any of the muslim world and is shunned by many of her pakistani people (friends) within the states and definitely by her family overseas.
  6. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I hate to say this but I've been saying this all along.
    I differ with George Bush on this issue but I know most presidents wouldn't take this stand.

    If I were president I've said time and time again that I would wipe out complete cities in Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc.
    Either these people become civilizied or be wiped off the face of the earth.
    That would help end terrorism real quick.

    If these people are brainwashed to hate then blow up their schools and mosques of hatred, where it is preached.
    When I talk about bombs, etc, I'm talking about the way Truman did in Japan.
    I'm not really talking nukes, fire bombs and regular bombs just fine.

    These people are barbarians and animals, not humans.
    I am a Harry Truman fan by what he did to defend this country from Japan and other countries, this took real guts.
  7. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    This has been an eye-opening thread. I tend to agree with most of you guys; Islamic society is very, very, sick and backward. I prefer to think that there is a good solution, though. I look to history for solutions. Quite frankly, you could have said all the same things of German society or Japanese society in 1940. After the war was over, the United States did more than just rebuild Germany and Japan with the Marshall Plan; we completely remade those societies in our image, and were able to successfully weed out some of their more "barbaric" ways. I think the same thing is possible with the Islamic world, but it will be a far more massive undertaking. I hope we won't have to do the same things, such as; fight a huge war with the Islamic world, completely destroy most of their infrastructure and major cities, kill millions of them, deprive them of every human comfort, crush them down, and completely break them of all pride, defiance, and resistance. Because that's what we did to remake Germany and Japan; all that they were had to be completely obliterated, and both nations and societies had to be rebuilt from the ground up. The same with the Islamic world.

    We may even have to take the radical step of getting rid of the Islamic faith and converting them to another faith that has far less violent tendencies, such as Christianity. There is no getting around the violence and supremacist verses of the Koran.

    Unfortunately, due to the constraints of prevailing Western mentality, particularly the PC, multi-culturalist, noble savage, "every culture is special and wonderful in it's own way except evil Western, Judeo-Christian culture and we should just respect their beliefs when they beat their women" mentality, I doubt that we have the stomach for such a thing, unless we lose a city to an Islamic A-bomb.
  8. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    This is one of the top 5 posts of all time on tigerforums.
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    the problem is that you cant beat down islam like you can, for instance, german fascism, because islam is a worldwide movement. militant muslims live all over the place. we could destroy every arab country in the world and then would be worse off than we were before. there may be no solution, at least for our lifetimes.

    thats why isolationism would have been great, if we had started many years ago, but now it is too late. we should have never taken the side of israel. we should never take any side in a holy war. you can win a war against a dictatator, or a regime, or a nation. but winning a war against militant islam, thats hard. i have no answers.
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    George Will made a great point on "This Week" this morning.

    "The Palestinians are the worst led population in the world. They supported the Central Powers in WWI, the Nazi's in WWII, the Soviets in the Cold War, Saddamn Hussein in the Gulf War, and Osama bin Ladin in the war on Terrorism. Palestinian children will go to school tommorrow and learn pure hated towards Israel and the West from teachers appointed by the PLO and textbooks provided by he PLO.

    Ten years ago there were no suicide bombings in Palestine. Since Arafat and his thugs were allowed to return this all changed and now 70% of Palestinians support suicide bombings."

    Nothing will improve for them until they select some leaders with practical sense and foresight. Don't hold your breath.

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