OMG, trev just said.... USC defense isn't that good, and Predicts Michigan over USC. I guess he and Petey Carroll broke up.
How is he reconciling all his ranting and raving about the Rose Bowl being the national championship game if he doesn't pick the #1 team to win?
I recall a couple of weeks ago him saying that OU's defense is #1 USC's is #2 and LSU's #3. And now he is saying that their defense isnt that good and cant stop Michigan. I am really getting lost! Fire him!!!!!
I personally like the ABC announcers better (Terry Bowden and them) they seem to have their own opinions instead of just saying what other people say. Anybdoy else agree?
What an ass clown Trev is! He basically spits in our faces and says USC and Michigan are the two best teams in the nation and now he says... Oh, I'm done with that turd.
I've been done with that turd. God, when we won the SEC Championship game and Trev had to eat his was so sweeeeeet. I hope he picks OU to win, so that when we win he'll have to eat his words again!
Maybe they are actually starting to watch film and saying we made a big mistake and will use the next14 days to back out and save face without dis'ing they large markets
he is trying to do what he is paid to do...... Be CONTREVERSIAL. he was for USC when it was causing a "stink" now he is onto more DRAMA. he is ESPN's "out on a limb" guy, the one you love to hate. it's working too, you watched it didn't you? I didn't LOL hey just an observation, from the peanut gallery.