According to the Reveille, LSU chancellor Sean O'Keefe expressed at a faculty senate meeting last week his displeasure about the NFL's decision to schedule games at Tiger Stadium. "We'd rather not have the games here at all," O'Keefe was quoted as saying by the Reveille. "This is going to be a real problem, and we are not excited about the prospect." O'Keefe called the staging of the games a "huge logistical nightmare" and said "it will not be a windfall for the university." Based on Oct 18 Reveille article: Not exactly the response I would hope for from LSU's Chancellor, considering that there is a windfall for LSU through Louisiana taxes and revenue from the Saints, which ultimately trickle down to LSU's budget. Is this fellow friends with Benson or something?
Someone on got an email response from one of his assistants: It was apparently taken out of context. The unfortunant thing is that Benson has taken this ammo and ran with it. They're telling Saints players that Baton Rouge doesn't want them. He's also using this to justify moving out of state.
Bertman has stated the same opinion, and on Cold pizza (I think) the announcer stated that LSU was not overjoyed with the Saints playing in Tiger Stadium.
Perhaps he's just trying to help Benson and the Saints make a quicker decision about moving to San Antonio for good??? :thumb:
I say be gone. Screw the aint's. Wait till the Miami game, they'll think they're playing in Miami. :hihi:
I'm in Baton Rouge and I don't want them and almost everyone I talk to feels the same. I agree with Nagin for once, to hell with Benson let him move any where he wants as long as the NFL gives us another team. Let San Antonio have the name the symbol and every other losing thing that goes with the saints IMO. As long as the Saints are owned by Ben$on the Saints will be losers and the fans that have suffered through 39 years of the worst franchise in the history of all professional sports will continue to suffer. Give us a new team with a new name and most important a new owner. JMHO :cuss: :cuss: :thumb: :thumb:
The NFL wouldn't give us another NFL franchise...There is no way....The NFL is a business and New Orleans already wasn't one of there top teams (financially or W-L). If the Saints leave, you can kiss the NFL goodbye from New Orleans... Also, if they did put another NFL team in New Orleans, we would have to wait in line behind Los Angeles.
And Cleveland was a big money maker? Jacksonville???? You never know what Tag.....( however you spell his name) boo will do especially given the current circumstances. Nagin should be lobbying the NFL now, if we had a competent Gov I would say she should be doing the same but we are better off if she stays on the sidelines and cries.
I will side with Skip and O'Keefe on this one. If they want the Stinking Saints in TS, I'm all for it. I'll even pull for the Stinking Saints to win those games. If Skip and O'Keefe do NOT want the Saints Stinking up TS, then I say that the Stinking Saints need to play in Tad Gormley Stadium in NOLA instead.