it's what you wanted last year. Do us proud and start jockeying for a lower bowl again. bum AD give me another red mark to my ratings
Cotton Bowl? If we are that lucky? I'm not so sure we will make it to a bowl in January. I think its possible but a lot of changes have to happen for us to win out from here on. I really don't see us beating Tennessee. Bama, Arkansas are going to be a little tougher than I expected. Character? We should find out about that the rest of the season.
This team is not Cotton Bowl bound if Arkansas takes the West. Auburn, SECCG loser, and another east team would all be taken before LSU in bowl selections.
Based on that sorry assed display you cannot honestly believe we would be favored to beat Tenn, ALA, or arky,. Right now after that debacle best case scenario is they only lose two. lose all three and its back to the dinardo indy bowl, and trying to find another coach that can "bring back the Magic" again:rofl: :rofl: OOps I forgot about Fresno and Ole Piss, Geez clueLES better find body guards if he loses any of those two.