Ohio State player gets hatemail from "fan"

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by bubbafong, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. bubbafong

    bubbafong Founding Member


    This is pathetic. I saw this and thought "Man, I can't believe those people...", and then I realized that this probably happens more than we hear about.

    I sincerely hope this has never, and will never happen to ANY Tiger.
  2. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Yea, I heard the lead in on the radio this afternoon and thought, "NICE, an OSU player got busted doing something!" Then I hear that it was death threats. Unreal. Disgusting, actually.

    It's not like he's a paid referee who could deserve 'em from time to time.
  3. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    I saw this today on Rome Burning and while I think Rome is a huge assclown, he did a good job of putting it and acutally gave out the guys email address on the air.

    Hopefully they get a nice return.
  4. scrappy

    scrappy Founding Member

    I talked about that some today. It's unreal that people do that stuff man. If your a loser that sends hate mail to college kids, your life must really really suck.
  5. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    That's actually a good point, Scrapheap. Imagine the thoughts going through somebody's mind as they write the note AND decide to send it, and now realize the impact it's having on some kid. Unreal. That just reinforces how sick this bastard is.
  6. scrappy

    scrappy Founding Member

    Dear ________,

    Thanks for costing us the game against Texas. Your a complete joke and are a poor representative of what "The Ohio State University" is all about. In my 50 years of rooting for the Buckeyes, I've never been so ashamed. I hope you sleep with one eye open. You better watch your back. I've got guys out looking for you boy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go play with my Star Wars figurines and rub the corns on my moms feet. Go to hell.


    Joe Buckeye Fan
  7. Mr. Peabody

    Mr. Peabody Founding Member

    I'll bet that happens at 99% of the universities in this country. Everybody has a few totally classless fans.
  8. ninichr

    ninichr Freshman

    I do know that Jamie Howard received death threats after the Auburn game when he threw the 3 or 4 interceptions. Auburn came back and beat us...I forgot the score.... A funny side note to this game is a girl I met told me that her friend had sex with Jamie the night before that game. Evidently she regularly visited Sports and they would no longer let the friend in after they found out...

    Geaux Tigers...
  9. Crip*TEAM KATT

    Crip*TEAM KATT As Wild As We Wanna Be

    You know after i read this I had to think back. I wonder if Josh Booty ever got any bad emails and what about Lester Earl?
  10. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    He's probably out looking for cars with tiger tails on them to burn :)

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