A few on this board wondered why the 2003 Ohio State Buckeyes did not go to the Sugar Bowl and win it all. This opinion was generated from last weekend's NFL Draft where a significant # of Buckeyes went on the first day (3 in the 1st round). I expressed an opinion yesterday about this baseball team and listed some observations. What followed was not that shocking: I get absolutely blasted for pointing out anything negative about this team, and I have a real problem with that. But the way I see it, we are exactly like that Buckeye team: loaded with talent, and not a whole lot to show for it. We are not playing with the consistent mindset and heart the 2003 LSU football team had. You would think from what people say on this board, that our team is dominating the SEC and that the championship is already clinched. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Not once did I ever suggest Smoke be fired or that Dirks should be benched. In fact, I like both very much and realize they are doing everything that they can. I did say Hebert was a serious liability at SS, and that we could really use Horwath because his forte is defense. But I attribute his woes to a lack of focus. Here is an article in today's advocate by Carl Dubois expressing the same concerns. Read what JC Holt has to say, because he, Smoke, and the rest of the upperclassmen realize there is a serious problem, and that we are running out of time to fix it. They have had 6 players meetings, and still we lay down at home. Our home record is very un-AlexBox like. I feel like we should dominate at home, but apparently no else feels this way. It's not shocking that people like LSUsportsfreak are ok with mediocrity, and justify it. This is the same backwards attitude that pervades this state. That is why people here, even some who post on this forum, are ok with LA being in the bottom 5 states of this country, and elect officials like blanco and landrieu who will run this state into the ground. All I am calling for is for a change in team chemistry. But it is outrageous and sad that I get victimized by these internet "drive-by's" from thugs and "tough guys" like LSUsportsfreak. But maybe I am just irrational and should let all the losses flow like water under the bridge. :cuss: :cuss: :dis: Me, JC, Smoke and ole' Carl are pretty alone in this boat: Carl's article
WOW, I'm a thug and a "toughguy". Clowns like you miss the point. Do any of you people who bash the teams at the 1st sight of a loss or poor play have ANY influence on ANYTHING that the coaches or players do? Do you think that because some people come on the boards and make total asses of themselves that they do anything except stir crap? Absolutely not. Am I happy with mediocrity? The answer is NO. Am I a realist, yes. "Fire Brady", "fire Smoke", "bench <--insert name here".... what are you trying accomplish? Do you have to fluff yourself up by tearing down the team? Have some kind of inferiority complex? I never jump on anyone who comes on the boards and makes a well thought out, logical post about what they "think" the team needs to do to get better. I talk about the team with friends and relatives on a daily basis. What I do have a problem with a bunch of loudmouth yahoos come on the boards and declare the end of civilization, demanding this and that from LSU... Most of the posts by theses people contain NO credible information at all, they are merely venting their frustration in a negative way. You think theese coaches and kids enjoy losing, only to have to listen to smacktards WHO CLAIM TO BE FANS mouth off at how much they suck? These folks get up every day and work their asses off, making sacrifices for what?... to appease YOU? No. They want to be the best, and try very hard to do so. Maybe if you have a son who plays for the team one day, you can have someone here tell you what a piece of **** he is. Wouldn't you feel special? Lastly, if all these "fans", full of negativity, dropped their keyboards, got off their asses, and did or said something positive for a change, like SUPPORT the team and actually go to the games, they would make a real difference. Leave the coaching and the playing to the people who do it every day. If you want to be a professional drama queen, call the Jerry Springer show and cry about it there. I'm so sorry you feel "it is outrageous and sad that I get victimized" by me on an internet message board. You must be a liberal like that Dixie Chick who thinks its ok to voice an unpopular opinion and not have to listen to any criticism. Get over it.... but don't cry about it to me :cry:
First of all, I am anything but a liberal. But since you know me so well, you must be right. You took everything I said way out of context, and your posts are anything but logical. Instead of engaging in any constructive dialogue, you run your fat mouth off and proclaim yourself as some sanctimonious ambassador of LSU sports, and "try" to shoot me down with your "enlightened" comments. How are you, a self proclaimed "fan", so full of "positivity", that you feel the need to demean other posters. I'm sorry your self-esteem is so low, but don't subect your misery on me and others because you don't agree with other dissenting opinions. At least try to post in a tasteful manner. Try doign what you say, and be a realist. Your living in a dream world. Again you put words in my mouth. I never said anybody was piece of s***. All I am saying is certain people on the team need to focus, or work on fundamentals more. Who the hell do you think you are? Did you read the article? Who is declaring the end of civilization? Get a clue moron. Why don't you, the real drama queen, go on springer instead, and quit bashing others to feel good about yourself. Loser.
You can't compare Brady to Smoke, sorry, It doesn't work. For god sake the baseball team is 31-11 and ranked in the top 25 all year. Smoke knows how to recruit and Brady doesn't, before you start criticizing me for the draft class last year that is so good remember this years draft class aint going to be sh*t, even if big baby comes here this team still has some serious holes to fill down low and if Bass and big baby goes pro its all over folks. It really irritates me when people compare Smoke to Brady for many reasons. 1 Skip picked Smoke to succeed him and I think Skip knows what the heck is he's doing 2 Dale Brown didn't pick Brady, he is from a small school and is unproven for the most part. 3 Smoke already has been proven as to what he did at ULM. 4 The basketball team didn't play well the last month of the season and went 1-7 thier last 8 games, as far as i'm concerned they didn't play well im Most of thier games. 5 the baseball team played a tougher schedule 6 Skip still has an interest to keep an eye on his former program. I don't want to get in a huge debate with everyone but this is some of the reasons. I will admit that I think its a little bit rediculous for people to call for Smokes head because his team has been in the top 25 all year and he has taken us to Omaha before. It would be a lot easier to replace a basketball coach at LSU versus a baseball coach for obvious reasons. NO ONE could ever replace Skip after the job he did, how many other schools have won 5 National Championships in the same sport in 10 years?? I will say Smoke has a lot more talent and recruits to choose from but some of that is Bradys own doing, there are quite a few quality players from Louisiana Brady didn't bother to recruit. The expectations of baseball around here certainly is a lot more than basketball and I understand that is why some people get upset. I will say again, LSUSPORTSFREAK, if you don't like it don't read it! You have just is much right to criticize people and say stuff in your posts like anyone else does talking about the team so there goes your argument. You just criticized yourself as far as I'm concerned!
I have said it before and will say it again, Smoke knows baseball better than Skip. Skip was a better and more complete coach though. In the game today we won on a lead off walk, sac bunt, and lead off single. Skip's teams didnt sac bunt to advance runners. He lived and died by the three run homer ala the Earl Weaver school of baseball. Smoke manufactures runs, and while I do have a problem with giving the other team outs it sure as heck worked today. Geaux Tigers.
/points to LSUHotdog Did you read my post yesterday ? "It's a good thing there aren't as many ass-clowns posting on this board as there are on "the Lair" "Having an open discussion about a team's problems is one thing.. go over to the Lair right now and see what those 'fans' are saying." Were you one of the fans there yelling for Smoke's head? Nobody said I was talking about you, moron, until you decided to label me a "thug" and "toughguy". Quote from "Tigerdroppings", "Maybe Smoke should get tossed again today..." reply : "if he goes to brady's place he can get his salad tossed." Try defending that kind of foolishness. If you want to lump yourself in with "those" people, be my guest.
So what you're saying, basically, is that you want LSU to win every game by smashing home runs? You must not know much about baseball because of your last line, "and while I do have a problem with giving the other team outs it sure as heck worked today." That's a vital part of baseball. I'm sorry if the small ball way that baseball is meant to be played doesn't satisfy your needs, but that's no reason to look down upon the team. I'd rather sit and watch a team frustrate another team by bunting, stealing and playing baseball any day over sitting and watching a bunch of guys yank 400 ft. bombs out of the park. You want to see that? Go watch BP. While I didn't take the time to read every one of your posts, this is the one that caught my eye. I didn't take it "way out of context" either. To say about Skip, "He lived and died by the three run homer ala the Earl Weaver school of baseball." is pretty silly. If you live and die by that, you'll die a lot more than you'll live, trust me. Granted, his teams did have power and they did hit a lot, and I mean a lot of home runs, Skip by no means relied on the possiblity that someone would hit a three run home run with LSU being down 4 - 1 in the 6th inning.
No what I am saying is that I want LSU to win with sound baseball stratagy. And despite what Joe Morgan says on Baseball Tonight and what you believe, small ball is not the way to play the game. The statistics when examined tell a different story. The one run stategy that we won with today is great for the situation we used it in. But most teams use it way to early and much too often. Here are some facts from an article I read on baseballprospectus.com. Teams that sac bunt before the seventh inning score 30 percent fewer runs and win 14 percent less games. . The three run strategy used by Earl Weaver and Skip Bertman focused on the big inning and tried to setup for the three run homer. You cannot argue with the success of either one. And as far as stolen bases. HAHAHA. They are the most useless thing in baseball. It takes three stolen bases to equal out the effects of one runner thrown out. So unless you are stealing at a 75% rate you may as well hang on the bag. The average sucess rate on stealing a base is 40 percent in college baseball by the way. The vaunted secondary effects of stealing bases--distracting the pitcher, putting pressure on the defense--do not appear to exist. In fact, most secondary effects argue in favor of keeping the runner of first base. A runner on first is more disruptive to a defense, with the first baseman holding and the second baseman cheating towards second for a double play, than a runner on second. Additionally, studies show that stolen-base attempts negatively impact the performance of the batter at the plate, presumably due to hitters getting themselves into negative counts by taking pitches or swinging at bad balls to protect the runner. Vincent do a little homework before you call someone out. Just because the guys on Baseball Tonight say something is important does'nt make it true.
Let's say Holt walks to start the game, steals 2nd and scores on Patterson's single. In the 4th, Holt singles, steals 2nd and scores on another Patterson single. In the 6th, Holt doubles, steals 3rd and scores on a wild pitch. In the 8th Holt walks again and is thrown out trying to steal. LSU wins 3-2. Did the fact that he got thrown out in the 8th negate the 3 stolen bases? I think not.