details I read all the LOCAL papers in the yahoo section every morning . Go to yahoo main page. click news. on the sidebar it has world, U.S., and local local news. it list paper's from most states here. Click on an ohio news paper and it was in yesterdays news . It also allows you to see archived news. the article itself was short on motive and detail.
After reading the article it isn't clear whether Mr Ohio is a true thug or not. The kid doing the robbing NEEDED to be shot, thats what needs to happen to criminals. It also doesn't say that Williams was charged with murder it says that Roberts was charged with murder and , It doesn't say murder charges. He also obviously didn't do the shooting. More info is needed before anyone writes this kid off. Never been in trouble before is kind of strange for many big time recruits lately or so it seems, so it could be a case of at the wrong place at the wrong time. We need to know what "some involvement" is before we can make a true judgement IMO.
perception & reality aren't always the same. What is in the dark always comes into the light. It will be interesting to see what the truth is(if it is ever found out.) confused yet?