What an article! http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/columns/story?columnist=maisel_ivan&id=1680859 This has got to be one of the dumbest quote's ever. USC Player: "I learned a little about life in general," Poole said. "You can't let a computer make decisions for you. Computers are going to take over. The next thing you know, everybody is going to be out of a job. Computers are going to play football. If you let computers run the world, what are humans going to do?" The coach is actually feeding this crap to his players. You knew the rules before the game, now why are you changing them after it doesn't work out in your favor. "The Rose Bowl is the true championship game." BS!!! I can't wait for USC to wax their sorry tails. Computer polls are non-bias. They take a formula, outcomes of the game and then spits them out ranking. Even if it wouldn't have worked out in our favor, I wouldn't be going the route that Caroll is going!
They say that why is Notre Dame - Syracuse and Boise State - Hawaii deciding the National Championship. WHY? Because it proves that the Notre Dame team and the Hawaii teams that USC beat is not that good. THAT'S WHY! If you aren't supposed to base it off of Margin of Victory and you aren't supposed to base it on Strength of Schedule, what are we supposed to base it on? Subjective Voters?!! Only if they agree with USC apparently.
DUH!!! I left that out of my post...See, I told you the article was great! I am trying to feel bad for them, but I don't! There biggest mistake is to overlook Michigan which they are doing big time right now. Michigan is taking this all in and will have some kind of motivation to there em up!
People seem to forget the week before remember the UF loss and Alabama loss killed us, this week the same happened to USC and the sky is falling who cares we are #2 and that has no dispute.