I will be out of town (Lafayette and Mandeville) for the next week and offline, so I wanted to wish all my buds at TF a merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May you all find a way to visit your families and friends and enjoy the spirit of the season! May the new year find you and yours healthy, secure and prosperous! I really enjoy this forum and the people here, Red, Cparso, tirk, Col Reb, LVTFAN, LSUGRAD99, ISLSTL, Calco, Berg? (that band guy), cgisclair, our esteemed ladies (if you can figure out who they are, after I thought about the signature "I am not a dude", that was a good clue!), and our non LSU visitors, Hawker, Deceks, caddilac, Proud Tiger, Tigrinium, Tidefan. Thanks to all the posters even if I didn't say your name, I learn a lot about our team here. Thanks to the mods who keep us on the straight and narrow. Thanks to Brett for hosting us.
It is that time of year that we should reflect on our blessings. It is easy for many to look around and see so much to be thankful for. For some, the gift may be more difficult to find. We all, however, share one fortune. This opportunity to gather, to converse, lightens the load of everyday life. My sincerest appreciation to all of you for sharing this forum and bringing uncountable smiles to me for the past 2 years. Cheers, and Merry Christmas.
Hats off to all of you as we await the celebration of the birthday of the Light of the World ! May you all have a blessed New Year as well !
Happy Holidays everyone - thanks for helping make this site the best LSU forum on the world wide web! and thanks to Brett for putting up with us all!
Wishing everybody on the TF board a blessed Holiday and my warmest wishes for a prosperous New Year :thumb: