I will be leaving with some buddies on Friday at 8 a.m. from Lafayette if anyone wants to meet up with us here from surrounding areas and if anyone wants to meet up in B.R. so we can stay a little car caravan trucking it to GA. Just post in this thread if you want to. **Update** Also PM me your email address and I will mass email everyone to coordinate.
I'm leaving around 9 from BTR on friday morning. .... I doubt it would work out... I like to stop at each truck stop in Alabama and take pictures of the locals.
Wish I could join you folks. I have to wait until one of my boys gets out of school at 12 to leave around 1 p.m.
Wagons ho eastward form the Bay Area tomorrow @ 7:00AM sharp... Arrival in Athens approx noon Saturday... ...it's a LONNNNNGGGG Haul from here... Man, I just wish it was all true....:cry: I'D LOVE TO BE THERE!!!! :lsup:
Yea, I'm making the trip from Houston......but sorry, I'm flying to ATL on Thursday evening and driving to Athens on Friday.