I am in the adult beverage industry and was wondering what LSU fans like to drink at the tailgates. I know it is off football but this may provide an escape for a minute. I have not been to an LSU home game in a few years. Myself I like to drink Crown at tailgates. I made the mistake of going to Arizona State - Cal last weekend and I drank Tecate. Bad game left at half to go back and drink and make fun of the pac 10. just curious
I am an X Guinness employee, ( guinness, bass, harp, redstripe, smirnoff ice) now in the final interveiw process with Skyy vodka.
when we went to the AZ LSU game in Tucson. I would have died with out water. started with some Stella and then moved to the Crown Royal.
For my pre-game I drink Miler-Lite....then come game time I holla at my boy Jack and we have a blast in the game