ESPN 2 and is doing an alltime playoff and of course no LSU. Total bias by frickin espn. Id say check it out by screw espn.
Ok. There's also no Florida in there. Or Tennessee. Must be an SEC bias. But wait, Alabama and Georgia are there. What gives? It's an ALL-TIME list. Why do people think that anytime LSU is not included in something it's immediately considered bias? Take off the purple and gold glasses, put down the kool-aid, and take an objective look at things.
If you are going to put Ohio St.02. Why not LSU03. Put your purple and gold glasses on. Or go to another web site. Why cant I support LSU? You smart ass
You have every right to support LSU; I never said anything to the contrary. And I have every right to disagree that we were snubbed. Yes, 2003 was a great team, but I don't think I would put them up as one of the greatest of all time, nor any other LSU team for that matter. As for going to another website, well I like it here. Why? Because I can make objective statements like the above and not get flamed for it by everyone (except for you, it seems). You can still be a big fan and not drink the kool-aid, my friend. And yes, I am a smart ass. :thumb:
The world hates LSU...ESPN hates LSU...We never get respect. I think this complaint comes up once every two months and it's the same stupidity every time.
Well there are only 32 teams. And that's a lot of history to come up with only 32 teams. There will be some snubs. I like my chances with the 2003 LSU team going up against anyone. Did they include the 2003 USC team?