Oh boy. This is going to be something. Newsmax.com - Boehner's Chart: Democrat Run Healthcare - Yikes!
taxfoundation.org says if this comes to pass, the highest tax rate will exceed 50% in 39 states, including Louisiana. The Tax Foundation - If Health Surtax Is 5.4 Percent, Taxpayers in 39 States Would Pay a Top Tax Rate Over 50%
Something has to be done about the skyrocketing cost of health care. If the republicans want to stop the democrats plan, they need to offer an alternative one, and not one wrote by the pharmacutical and insurance industries. The problems with health care are complex, to be sure. All americans need to bear some of the burden. As large and complex as the issue is, I wish Congress would take their time and not rush out a half azz plan that no one, including themselves, understand.
But then they couldn't call it a stimulus package to get things rolling. It will be almost impossible to get undone.
The rebublicans cannot stop it. They don't have the votes. The American people need to make themselves heard. Are we in the Soviet Union? I already bear the burden for my health care. And what about the burden that will be placed on working Americans by the cap and tax proposal? How much can we absorb? Perhaps it's premature to bash Obama after 6 months in office, but what I see is a President hell bent on fulfilling his entire agenda in his 1st year in office. What's the rush? I'll tell you what it is. The longer Obama waits, the more Americans are going to wise up and hammer their representatives to put a stop to this.
It's absolutely mind boggling that he's wants to tax million dollar earners 5.4% for other peoples healthcare. That's a lot of money.
That's irrelevant and not the point. So the government should provide their health care to keep them from getting the government to assist them with health care? You think I can afford the high premiums? I drive a 97 truck and I don't have an iphone and I send my kids to a state university so I can afford the insurance. I don't dispute something needs to be done. Tort reform would be a huge start but the pols won't F with the trial lawyers. The goal is to make it affordable, not to rob Peter to Pay Paul. I don't give a damn about CEOs. I'm looking out for me and my family. I just got my Homeowners Insurance bill. It's 3 times what it used to be because I'm paying for people that didn't have insurance. I'm pretty fed up with this share the wealth business.
Well, they just did in an election in which Obama's health care plan was spelled out clearly. I also worry about him placing too much on his platter at one time, since so much of it requires his focus. On the other hand, on projects that are going to take years to fully implement, he must get started quickly, 8 years passes fast.
So are the terms in a credit card contract. Give me a break. The election was all about the economy and Iraq. That's no excuse for plunging the country into a deeper recession and incurring debt that will never be repaid...and he only has 4 years. tick..tick..tick.