been so busy lately, i finally got a chance to watch it myself the other night, it brought back memories.
Are executive orders on the decrease over several decades or not? The answer is yes and you know this. To claim anything as a result of any particular success by ANY President in this category is borderline silly. We have no way of knowing if Obama will maintain the rate of .09 for his last 3 years as that graph was only 5 years of data whereas every other President has completed their term and therefore, they have immutable numbers. Do you really want to claim that with a .09 rate vs .10 for Dubya, that Obama is such a hotshot? Lol. The larger point is, that based on Obama's own words in the SoTU and more recently, he is planning on using the executive order to circumvent the processes of checks and balances that are in place for a reason. "...a phone and a pen" are what he plans to use when he can't get his way. That's insulting IMO and indicates a total abuse of power regardless of Congress' inability to do their jobs either. The crux of the issue is, "the content of the orders and whether they are issued to implement or enforce existing law, or, as in Obama’s case, they are issued to change laws unconstitutionally without Congress. " It's really not about the numbers.
Which Republicans either put in place or approved the compensation/performance pay system that the VA used resulting in the cover up of slow appointments and the resulting deaths? Which Republicans were responsible for the over 2M Americans who were unable to keep their doctor under ACA?
That keep your doctor stuff is such bullshit. Fucking waaaaaaah, cry me a river, people were getting dumped anyway, way more people like this plan that don't, it's just you elephants are loud. How many republicans openly said that their only mission was to fuck this president over? How many filibusters has Mitch McConnell fired out of his ass for everything under the sun? You know better, and you know that if Obama came out today and said let's privatize Medicare Medicaid and Social Security, and Increase defense spending, make English the national language and ban abortion the republicans would say fuck that just because it's President Mohammed Blackie Chan.
Maybe it's bullshit for you but I lost my primary care doctor. It's a big deal to me because the doctor who knew my history has been replaced by a stranger who isn't going to recognize certain things. I ain't a happy camper broseph. Obama is disliked by Republicans (I am not a Republican BTW) because just about everything he does is in opposition to core values amd beliefs of that party. His being black is a lame excuse for you to use, IMO.
If you really don't know of any of the many that says enough; however, I'll throw you one bone to prove what I said to veebs about hit and quit. Behind Open Door #1: Illegal relatives of Hispanics enrolled in Osama-care;_ylu=X3oDMTEzNzM0cGtvBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNARjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQ3Ml8x/RV=2/RE=1404199957/RO=10/RU= And before your predictable response of, "You think a conservative blog, periodical, blah blah..."hear it from your idol himself: Behind Open Door #2: Young illegal immigrants: This source from "Your Black World", TODAY.;_ylu=X3oDMTE0cWxtM2ZhBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMjAEY29sbwNiZjEEdnRpZANWSVA0NzJfMQ--/RV=2/RE=1404201026/RO=10/RU=
Those Illegals who don't sign up for health care should have to pay the penalty, oh, I mean 'tax', or get their asses deported!!