Obama to take over ABC June 24th to discuss.....

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUDeek, Jun 16, 2009.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i liked it better when you gave the sleepy zzz's and didnt call me stupid and hurt my feelings.
  2. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Lot's of hate being spewed by the tree huggers lately. They are starting to sound more and more like the intolerant far right every day. Maybe the power is going to their heads.:wave::hihi::usaflagwa
  3. Bandit88

    Bandit88 Old Enough to Know Better

    Aug 25, 2007
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    Is Red a tree hugger? I pictured him more as a yella dog Democrat with shotguns, seldom used recycling bins, and a secret canibus garden in his closet under lights...

    But I'll let him clear this up... :hihi:
  4. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I bet he pulls over on the side of the road and hugs a tree on the way to work every day. Unless he sees Obama taking a jog then he pulls over and just hugs a root instead.:grin::grin::grin:

    Just picking on you Red, despite our significant differences of opinion on politics you seem like a nice semi level headed guy.:thumb:
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You were twisting my balls. It makes me yell.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I do not hug the trees. But I treasure the trees and I will shoot you with my shotgun if you cut down old growth forests. We have plenty of managed forests and the last old growth needs to be saved. And more cut-over land need to be replanted to reduce carbon dioxide.

    I do not hug the trees, they aren't the embracing type. But I own 120 acres of them. I bought cut-over forest land and planted 132,000 pine seedlings, I nurtured them until they were healthy adults, I care for them and protect them from fire and insects. I clear away the scrub brush that competes with them. I provide fine animal habitat for the friendly local hayseeds to hunt and they put venison in my freezer. From time to time I select innocent trees that that conduct unauthorized gatherings and I execute them and chop them into tiny bits so that you can read your newspaper without losing old-growth pine in Oregon.

    I do not hug the trees. Indeed, some day in my retirement, I will ruthlessly execute all of the trees and slice them up into lumber so that you can have a deck without killing 2,000 year old redwoods. I'll make a cool half-million on it, have improved the atmosphere for all mankind, created green jobs for local foresters, timbermen, and mill operators, saved the boreal forests for future generations, and kept a piece of the earth wild for the magnificent and tasty wild creatures. It will probably get me laid, too. Women are a green bunch.

    Then, I will plant 132,000 seedlings.

    I recycle regularly, now that it is an easy one-bin process and they are actually profiting on the recycled material. Grow dope in my house? I've got too much to lose for that nonsense.

    Dude, I own a forest . . .
  7. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    At the end of the cycle you are going to clear the entire standing crop? That is not a good course of action.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    My forester disagrees. If I was in my 20's I'd be rotating cuts 40 acres at a time, indefinitely. But it takes 30 years to grow trees and I got a late start. I'll replant, take the reforestation tax credit and sell the pine plantation to martin, who'll have another 30 years left.

    I'll be in my 70's, amigo. I have no heirs to leave an inheritance to, so I plan to cash in, spend the money on what I need or want, write my last check for my last dollar to the undertaker . . . and that check will bounce. :grin:
  9. Deceks7

    Deceks7 Founding Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    We had a company that came in and did an unauthorized clear cut and really messed up about 30 acres on a hillside. It took the land a long time to recover.

    Be careful about the undertaker:
    Police investigate whether man's legs severed to fit in coffin - CNN.com
    Police investigate whether man's legs severed to fit in coffin
  10. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You have to know your local operators and have a good contract. I only deal with cutting crews that I know and have a reputation for doing good work. I only permit cutting when the season is dry and I have a no-rut contract. If they come in there and make a huge mess, they are obligated to remediate it at their expense. My land is most pine hills with little bottomland and I don't have an erosion or surface water protection problem.

    Clear cutting and replanting seedlings is the only way to really make a decent profit. Selective thinnings are done from time to time to keep closely spaced trees from competing with each other, but I don't make much cash on this because labor is intensive. They actually harm the topsoil worse from all of the backing and turning and making lanes through the standing trees versus systematically clear cutting a stand.

    I would cut it in 40 acres stands and stagger the cut if I was a younger man. Alternatively, I could just sell the standing timber and the land for a premium and let the next owner manage it. Mature growth pine land commands a top price.

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