Obama Speech

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by PURPLE TIGER, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Every time he makes a speech, which seems like every other day, I want to do like the little old lady from the Wendy's commercial and ask him "where's the beef"? He's all bun!
  2. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Every time he makes a major speach the stock market drops hundreds of points.
    Just think what will happen if this asz crack wins reelection.
    Maybe the moderates should take this into consideration when they vote.
    A vote for Obama is a vote for continued suffering and pain for the American people.
    Is your desire for social liberalism worth another great depression? That's what will happen.
    When you try and breed a cross between a free market capitalistic economy with socialistic government you get what's going on in Europe now and where we are heading. You get unemployment, stagnant markets, suffering , debt , misery and eventually violent protest in the streets. Liberalism is a failed attempt at utopia with unrealistic goals and lies by politicians to buy the votes of lazy frocks with their hand out. We are breeding a generation who won't be able to live without daddy government taking care of them. We are witnessing the slow rape of America.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That's all that's needed to get the economy rolling in hard times, the commerce will generate the jobs on its own.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    This is a lie.

    Obama has been far better than Bush, moderates want no part of that nightmare again. Perry is Dubya Junior.

    Another lie.

    America is nothing at all like Europe. There is no "socialistic government", whatever that is. :insane:

    You rant like a crybaby.

    PURPLE TIGER HOPE is not a strategy!

    Nov 2, 2006
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    I don't believe the markets have as much to do with presidents as some would claim. I found it interesting how some Obama supporters attempted to claim the markets were up due to Obama but quickly changed their tune as the markets dropped. These same people wouldn't credit Bush when the markets hit an all-time high so once again it was the usual liberal hypocrisy.

    I do believe yesterday's 300+ fall in the DOW was somewhat impacted by Obama's speech. The people who have the ability to improve the economy have no confidence in this administration. There's no faith or confidence with Congress either. The previous Congress created so many problems and one half wants to continue down this road. The other is attempting to apply the brakes therefore are instantly labeled as the problem. It would be nice if the Senate understood the first step to getting out of a hole is to stop digging.

    I believe the money will remain on the sidelines until something changes. I bet the markets would skyrocket if Obama would kill the health care plan.

    There were a few things thrown in to the speech which everyone can agree to. I'm glad Obama finally came to his senses on those. If he maintains his arrogant stance and demands that everything in this unwritten, unpublished, "I'll tell you in ten days what it says" plan is agreed upon, he'll be waiting a long time.

    I don't think he expects them to agree and in fact I believe this is what he wants. He thrives on excuses and needs a new one. He has NO prayer of fixing the economy with his plans so he needs another group to blame when his policies fail.

    I would prefer if his speeches highlighted his accomplishments instead of all the excuses. They would be short and sweet....probably about 30 seconds.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    right because bush spent lots of money and obama is different in that....he also spends lots of money......

  7. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I absolutely hated Bush. All you have to do is search my past posts in this forum and it's obvious. However Obama has been far far worse than Bush and independent moderates would welcome him back with open arms and Super Bowl type parties if it meant Obama leaving. I may lean right, but I call em like I see em and I openly criticize the many faults of the Republican Party and it's current/past politicians. You however blindly follow anything the left throws at you. How can you possibly say Obama has been better than Bush with a straight face? Even as bad as Bush was it's not close.
  8. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    An oberservation:

    Hurricane Irene: Electricity out 36 hours, restored by the city (yes, our city provides electricity service). Cable and Internet out 97 hours, restored by private business.

    Uhmmm...maybe the myth that the private sector is better is no quite so true after all.... Uhmmmm
  9. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    that is a great example with no real flaws for me to point out.
  10. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Rolling for 6-8 months ain't gonna cut it.

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