Obama goes back to school - Yahoo! News Obama school speech suddenly a prickly topic for educators | csmonitor.com what does everyone think of this? People are calling in 1210 and saying that Obama is indoctrinating kids like Hitler. This is total crap. Are you holding your kids out of school? For the record, if my kid was old enough, i would not hold my kid out of school. I would let her watch and form an opinion for herself. I would have done the same if Dubya or any other President did the same.
I don't have time to annunciate my thoughts on that - going to the first football game that Haley is cheering at. However, headlines in today's paper said that none of the schools in our district would show it. WFISD says no to Obama's speech : Local : Times Record News Gotta admit though, I was kinda glad they're not.
What a great refutation. "Unusual and atypical and conflicts with protocol". I'll have to use that one on martin . . .
please dont. i have no comeback. at least no comeback that doesnt involve my invoking your love for crocs.
all he is going to do is talk about education and how kids should try and make good grades and try to be productive parts of the community and blah blah blah. I have been hearing that there will even be a few celebs saying some stuff, like a Public Service Announcement. But people are making it to be some sort of mind manipulation, some subliminal waves will come out and your children will immediately leave for the public library to check out the Communist Manifesto. Obama could put his shoes on the wrong feet, and the right would complain that he is commie because he wears his shoes wrong. For kids that are lower than the 6th grade, if they do show it to them, they wont remember it, they wont care, i know many speeches were shown throughout my k-12 education and the only thing i remember is the space shuttle blowing up. For kids who are 6th grade and up, let them watch it, let them ask questions, let them make their own opinions. Or is that what Rush Limbaugh and the other neo cons are scared of. People making their own decisions. Free thinking, ooooooooooooh scary!! They probably wont even want to watch it anyway, or wont pay any attention to it.
this is pretty stupid, George HW Bush did a speech about back to school as well. No one screamed about brainwashing. This kinda shyt makes me wonder. The President is saying do well in school and focus. People have a problem with that? Using scare tactics, why? I wont even answer my own question.
Schools should allow the speech and allow a gop response or some other common opposing view. What's the problem?
Actually, Democrats objected to Bush much like Republicans are objecting to Obama. Now, I know this is likely from a right wing blog, but he cites an article from the Washington Post from around the time of Bush 41's speech to schools: Perspective: Dems slammed George H.W. Bush for address to schools | Tony's Rants Republicans are doing to Obama what Democrats did to Bush (both of em). That's why government has become such a joke these days. It's no longer "of the people, by the people, and for the people". It's now whatever is best for the Repulican Party or the Democratic Party. It's really pathetic. And sadly, I do not see a solution in the short term.
Thanks for correcting me, if it is true. I can accept that. But brainwashing? Thats farfetched and ridiculous. Do good in school=hail hitler?
Question: If the Pope wanted to do a live speech to all ages of school children, and he was only going to encourage them to stay in school and be good citizens, how fast would the ACLU have this stopped? I think it is great if any of our leaders speak to school age children and encourage them to do their best. Just not sure how I feel about some of the school administrators and teachers, having a political discusion, (or if it were the Pope, a religious discusion), afterward.