The Dalai Lama has gotten tons of support from the US for many decades and will continue to do so. But this is not the first time that he has been a political thorn for the US. Bush I did not meet with the Dali Lama in 1991. The global economy is a huge issue right now and there is a summit coming up with China where we expect concessions on trade and support on North Korea. Human rights in Tibet are important, but not to the point of derailing efforts to end the recession. The meeting with the Dalai Lama will happen at some point when it doesn't upset the Chinese. We would feel the same way if the Chinese welcomed Hugo Chavez or Ahmanutjob to upset us. Like you article says "President Obama is a foreign policy realist".
you should never snub his holiness! yunno he is a the re-incarnation of lots of generations of magic dudes. you gotta respect that.