Well no, it's a poll AOL put up. I doubt that they have allowed only conservatives to vote on it. I voted on it. Anyone else who managed to come upon this page can cast their vote, as well as many people who still use AOL as their main home page. I would tend to think that AOL users are not politically motivated one way or the other and represent the usual spectrum of conservatives, liberals and independents.
Perhaps, but it's not a statistically valid sampling like the Opinion Research poll that you cited as a source. As the note right under the poll states . . . .
Ahh pumping in borrowed money and printing more greenbacks is now the way to turn around a recession.. :lol:
Opinions differ . . . U.S. recession over, unemployment seen at 10 percent Moody's Economy.com report: Recession over in 79 metro areas in U.S. Recession over? Five signs Bernanke may be right
Ahh the propping up of the bubble and bad companies with borrowed and printed money. Who cares about debt. The only way to getting out of a recession..
Barack Obama sees worst poll rating drop in 50 years - Telegraph Latest approval ratings Job Approval Approve Disapprove Spread Obama 51.7 44.0 +7.7 Congress 25.0 66.8 -41.8