LBJ created a population dependent on the Government and Obama is not helping by enabling the have nots. In Defense of Truth: Back on Uncle Sam's plantation Not authored by SabanFan. SabanFan does not vouch for it's authenticity. Forwarded for informational purposes only. Not intended to portray SabanFan as racist or classless, only as a concerned citizen.
Let me point out two misnomers: 1. Obama has enabled no "have-nots" in the article you post, so where does your title come from? He has not changed welfare one bit since taking office. The welfare system as it exits now was crafted, as the author indicates, by a republican congress in the Clinton 1990's. "I had the privilege of working on welfare reform in 1996, passed by a Republican Congress." -- Star Parker 2. Then she goes on to criticize Obama's stimulus plan, which is not a welfare plan, because Obama promised, "This plan is more than a prescription for short-term spending -- it's a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, healthcare, and education." Something wrong with that? Nothing about enabling the have-nots here.
i suppose there were no suffering poor before the great society. enabling have-nots is not desirable, but it is preferable to suffering poor. now if welfare is adding #s to the poor then that would be a problem.
rampant government spending is not how you help the poor, it is how you hurt the poor. a growth economy is enabled by low taxes. and a growing economy is how you help the poor. you odnt help the poor by throwing billions at stupid programs like cash for clunkers, or by bailing out massive corporations.
Of course. :dis: "a strategy for America's long-term growth and opportunity in areas such as renewable energy, healthcare, and education". If it's a lie, then it can be shown to be one.
His strategy is to throw money at problems and try to justify it with vague political monologues and repetitive BS. He proposes spending a trillion then says it's deficit neutral. Piss...leg...rain.
You know, a stimulus that is required to stabilize the economy in a serious recession is impossible to solve without money. Renewable energy, in the face of Peak Oil seems like a wise infrastructure investment as does healthcare with the retirement of the baby boom and education in a knowledge-based, post-industrial economy.