And you said you didn't have any prejudices? Have never uttered any prejudicial statements? Then turn around to say a candidate does all these things, yet can't get your vote because of your party affiliation? Nice try, that is a prejudicial position to take, if nothing else, prejudices towards your party affiliation which isn't unusual but still proof that you do have prejudices which discredits earlier statements you've made. You excluded him solely on party grounds- people vote outside party lines much easier than racial ones. You claim to be able to do that latter when, by your admission, you can't get by the first. As far as your "stance on other threads and others comments on other threads" you just proved you talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Would you vote for Alan Keyes? lol. Said the poster who voted strictly along party lines. :lol: WHEW! The racial overtones are resounding in your words bro. Throughout the content but especially here. You do realize that when one uses the word "We", they're included. :wink:
You want to talk about posting lies about people. Here is one of your post that is full of lies. Cause you know for sure that Obama is a muslim right...... so go tell the admins on yourself.
Lil badge icon at the bottom, under user name, in any given post. It's easy to do, I use it on yours a lot. :lol: I think most would actually be surprised how childish some of the "Reports" are. There are a few who report negative rep. :nope:
In his speech last night he was promising everyone the kitchen sink. Free health care; reduced insurance payments; protection from foreclosure, etc, etc, etc,. Did not say a thing about paying for it.
Some people don't like democrats and some people don't like Obama because he's "inexperienced." Those who don't vote for him because of his race exist as well, but that number is probably smaller than you think. I can't believe you think Obama is just going to wing it. Then he has something in common with a bunch of the guys on the Republican side who were/are running for president. At least he'll blow the money domestically - McCain wants to spend gobs of cash overseas.
That ain't what I said. I said he wasn't as pragmatic as his rivals. He doesn't seem to know the issues as well as Clinton and McCain and counts too much on hope and change . "Change" for the sake of change alone will not be the solution for every problem any more than "resolve" was a solution for all Bush's problems. Obama is a man of big words but modest deeds. Perhaps he should use this fame to establish something tangible for himself in Washington for another 8 years and then run in 2016.
Ref: BlackJack's quote in LMM's post above: "An American Traitor: John McCain" Regardless of your politics or your frustration with whatever party you support, that is about as inexcusable a political statement as I've seen. You're free to say it of course, but do you really THINK it? :nope: You may want to review history a bit. Not even his worst political enemies call him anything less than an honorable man.
The time is now Red, I get tired of people telling this guy to wait 8 years, thats crap. Did they tell JFK the same thing, he was just as inexperienced, however the country loved him for his words and his family.