What ever happened with the alleged academic violations we had a few years back, rigt after the 2001 SEC title season. I remember some woman quit working for LSU and sued the University and we send out findings off to the NCAA for review and ever since then I haven't heard anything about it. Again I am not complaining at all but I just thought it was odd that it fell off the face of the earth like that.
Nate livings had to pay back something like $35 for tutoring he had recieved for free. It was determined he didn't realize it was a violation. I think that was the only thing they found.
The full investigation concluded that four or five football players received improper assistance from a tutor with writing a paper and that some tutoring happened off the clock and was illegal. LSU disciplined the players and tutors involved and gave up a few recruiting visitation rights in self sanctions. The NCAA thought the punishment fit the crime. Case closed. Caroline Owen's allegations of a massive conspiracy of academic fraud involving virtually the entire LSU Athletic Dept. and quid pro quo between the Academic Center and coaches and AD Skip Bertman were dismissed as nothing more than unsubstantiated accusations from a disgruntled former employee with a personal axe to grind against the Academic Center and LSU. I believe her lawsuit was dismissed by the court and her appeal was denied.
i remember when i was in the service and spoke with they woman in charge as the liason for servicemen and students.....she was later charged for some improprieties with the funds,etc. glad i didnt get involved with all that.