once again, i was too drunk to make it to the miles speech on signing day. here's the rooster's perspective. he said miles never used an F-bomb.
interesting thoughts. i was there and did not hear it, so i am glad that others are saying the same thing.
I wasn't there, but I have been told by one attendee that Miles actually said "effing Alabama", rather than the expletive. That would be funny if true. We may never know, since its not on tape like Nick's use of the actual F-bomb is. The Bama fans are just trying to reverse the negative PR they have been getting ever since Saban arrived. "Effing" is like saying "darn" or "heck".
I'll have to respectfully disagree with that one. While all three are substitutes, they are taking the place of profanity vs vulgarity if you want to get technical.