I was just checking out ESPN.com and happened upon their heisman predictions page. Last week, Justin Vincent and Corey Webster were both featured, but, not surprisingly, they're both missing this week. I know these predictions don't mean much, but this is just another example of the absence of Tiger fans in the media. (Both Green and Pollack from Georgia are on the list, go figure.)
Vincent and Webster had bad games on TV last week, amigo. That' the way it works. When either of them have a breakout game on TV, watch the change in media attention. :champs:
Yes we are a what have you done lately society. Don't throw stones cause I like both of these young men but niether one will get the hiesman this year. Other awards yes. Next Candidate is Russell next year.
I don't see why Webster or Vincent should be mentioned at this point. And I think they would both tell you that themselves. Get over it people. Stop looking for awards. Look for that crystal trophy instead.