Found this website on the Hawkeye board and thought it interesting take on the Saban leaving for Miami. I am a Hawk and Dolphin fan and it seems like all articles paint Saban as a savior for the Dolphins but they are in a world of hurt now due to Wanny being in over his head as HC. Anyway shows that not everyone feels this way and the author actually thinks LSU is a great job with TONS of talent coming back and that Saban might realize his mistake. Jury is still out on if Saban made a mistake, as a Fin fan I hope not. But watching the young guys on the LSU team I can't imgaine someone walking away from the talent that most coaches could only dream about but hey, the world wouldn't be what it is if we all thought the same way. I love the heart that both teams played with today and this was by far the best game of the bowl season. I never really cared about the SEC because most of the fans from the SEC are tools that come to LSU has by far the classiest fans in the SEC and will be a force to reckon with next year and beyond. I know things have been uneasy the last couple of weeks for you guys but you have all handled it with class and have gained a lot of respect from Iowans by what we have witnessed from LSU fans after the horrid Gator fans last year.
Thanks for the good thoughts, but. Sentimentality is for the weak and the elderly. We really don't care to read any articles about Saban. Sell that stuff over on the Fins board . . . Saban is their coach now, not ours.
Yup... I love what Nick Saban did at LSU but as of 4 hours ago he is no longer and LSU tiger, and that means I could care less what he does from now on.... I am sure I will be flamed, dont really care. Sour grapes ? not at all, but I am an LSU fan since birth, and I want to learn and read about the LSU tigers, and 4 hours ago at the end of a crushing defeat. Nick Saban chose to no longer be an LSU tiger... And at that point I chose to talk about the future of LSU football. Enjoy Nick, he is a great coach I wont take down my pictures of him hoisting the crystal ball. But for me, could care less about him or the Miami Dolphins...