I just read this from the message board on Rich Tellshow's BCS website. http://denim.bbboy.net/rtsbcsmessageboard-viewthread?forum=1&thread=79 He said: "They change it almost every year. Removing Margin of Victory was a mistake. The NY Times poll was removed a few years ago but was brought back when 2 of the computers refused to eliminate MOV. What makes the NYT so funky is that they give more recent games a heavier weight. That is how Tex and UF jumped up so quickly. I think it does make some sense in that a team can get much better as the season goes on. But when you combine in with no MOV teams that play all thier tough games early in the season are actually penalized compared to others." I think that favors LSU's chances to catch USC in this poll by season's end. We play a much tougher schedule down the stretch than does USC.
I've visited a site other than Rick's and, from the analysis I saw, we are indeed projected to catch USC by year's end.
Richard Billingsley - http://www.cfrc.com/ This one has links to the other ones at the top of the screen. The New York Times requires registration, but it's free registration and doesn't take too long.
Ranking LSU at number 9 while ranking Texas at number 2 ??? Exactly how does the NY Times get away with this..?? According to the NY Times, LSU is the 4th best SEC team. What an absolute insult...!!!