Just watched ep. 2 of season 6 and OMG! Easily the best episode since season 1; maybe ever. If you haven't watched it, you need to. And if you didn't know before, you know now that Carol is a bad bitch!
Was wondering how they were going to top last week's episode. I'm not sure if you would consider this one better, but it sure was more dramatic. Wow.
I tried to revive this thread after last week's episode and again after what happened last nite, but if no one wants to discuss either of those episodes, then I guess I will let it die in peace.
I'm so pissed right now that I told my wife I may give up on the series. If they kill off another specific main character next week I might.
I believe this to be one of the main reasons the show is so popular. In this environment, anyone can die and main characters are not supposed to be invincible. As the main characters continue to develop into world class zombie killers, there has to be a side that demonstrates they are human. Game of Thrones (though I never watched) had the same allure. Others I am sure. If you cannot kill off a main character from time to time, viewers get the impression they are above tragedy, so all you get is the sensation that just in the nick of time, they escape certain disaster. Homie bought it last night at the hands of a lesser being. Nothing more human than that. I gave up on this series back in the first season when they decided to go to the CDC in Atlanta and not Ft. Benning. That was stupid, they got what they deserved, so I gave up on the series. Now, my kid is a fanatic and I am forced to watch by default. I have come to enjoy the last 3 seasons and the story line is much more dramatic than it was in the early seasons.
I'm not upset so much at what happened. Like Cajun said, you have to do that from time to time to progress the story. I'm only upset that it wasn't a clean death. Now, you going to have a beloved character turn into a zombie. I always hated that the character trusted the 2nd one again, after what previously happened. Ultimately, character 2 accomplished his goal, although unintentionally, of killing character 1. Never take chances on people like that.