New AMC series The Walking Dead

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by LSUsupaFan, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Looks like Carl is not as weak as Shane thought. That aside, looks like Rick has a big problem with his son for for drawing down on him. Sure, he ended up saving his dad, but he pulled the gun on Rick before Shane got up; without even knowing what happened. I wonder if that will be addressed? I also wonder if Rick will tell the group what REALLY happened or let them think Shane died a hero.
  2. Mr. Peabody

    Mr. Peabody Founding Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    As for the Walkers without bites, that was most likely what the doc was saying. He said becoming a walker was unavoidable. Later, he whispered that everyone is infected.

    Sophia was not eviscerated in the barn. If you get bit, it takes days to turn. She was like 9 or 10. If she got bit, then she would have been eaten. It is highly unlikely she got bit and managed to get away. You don't go zombie if you get eaten. They eat the brain too. I think she died of dehydration, or she fell and broke her neck. Maybe she ate some poison berries.

    Sofia was the first non-bit walker that we saw. Also, we don't know how the whole thing started yet. For the entire world to get bit and then turn is a little unrealistic, most people get eaten. I don't see too many walkers that have been eviscerated.
  3. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    That begs the question then - how did she die? Starvation/dehydration?
  4. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    So much easier with a pistol IMO.

    Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  5. Rolan

    Rolan Back to my roots

    Apr 8, 2008
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    Maybe Carl knows the big secret. And was ready for Shane.
  6. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    What an episode. WD is finishing with a 9th inning grand slam after so many episodes of character development and setting up deep existential questions.

    I almost think Shane wanted to die. He would have killed Rick otherwise. No? He wanted Rick to just shut up and do it and quit this blah blah blah about the importance of life. First, Randall had to die. Then Rick had to realize what happened and what Shane's intentions were and if Rick couldn't kill Shane then Shane would kill Rick. Shane has no problems with murder but Rick needed it to be for self defense, to save his life and the future of the group.

    Now they know that being a zombie is in the ether. It only takes death to become one. What do they do? We've seen the random suicide gunshot to the head carcass, the hanging by the neck zombie in the tree.......

    To be a zombie or to be eaten by a zombie? That is the question.
  7. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    To me, WD from Carl's point of view is one of the most intriguing aspects of the show. I wish they would play it up more.

    We see the adults deal with their situation with (somewhat) rational adult sensibilities. They all grew up in a world without zombies and can use their life lessons to guide them. Carl is growing up with killing all around him. He can't even be the kid he should be. He imagines himself saving Sophia but then he sees zombie Sophia get shot by his dad. He goes out exploring and runs into a walker that eventually kills Dale. He sees his dad kill Shane and then he shoots zombie Shane. How does a growing mind deal with all of this?
  8. hebertjp

    hebertjp Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    This was a teriffic episode and a tour-de-force acting job done by the actor who plays Shane: his scenes with Lori, Carl, Rick, Randall, running into the tree, becoming a walker...all terrific.

    I may be the only one here who thinks this but I think that Rick missed a very narrow window of opportunity to talk Shane down off the ledge, so to speak. I felt that after Shane's exchange with Lori, Shane was starting to think that it was time to put all this drama with him and Rick, Lori, and Carl behind him. I think that if Rick had been a little more delicate with Shane in the scene where Shane talks to him about Carl and the walker that killed Dale then Shane would still be with us. There were many times when Carl and Shane had private conversations but I don't remember Shane ever talking to Rick about them. This one time that Shane does tell Rick about it and tells Rick plainly that Rick needs to handle this himself, Rick blows him off--I'll have his mother talk to him, I gotta deal with Randall first. When Shane offers to ride with Dale to drop off Randall to give Rick time to talk to Carl but Rick declines, that's when I think Shane went rogue for good. Rick understandably had no good reason to trust Randall to Shane but if he had, Shane probably wouldn't have had to be killed (twice).

    I also think Carl is going to be fine. I think Carl has come to terms with the fact that his childhood is over much quicker than his parents have. He has been demonstrating this for the past few episodes, sneaking away to observe Randall, wanting to listen in on the vote about what to do with Randall, showing up at Randall's execution, going off in the marsh to find a walker. The sooner that the group includes Carl in the adult conversations, the better. Also the sooner Rick tells Carl the truth about Shane, the better. Carl is growing up quick and is not nearly as weak as Shane said and can handle much more than the adults think he can. He is begging for some adult guidance and it is time to give him some.
  9. Luv4LSU

    Luv4LSU Founding Member

    Aug 3, 2006
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    It only took Andrea's sister a handful to minutes to turn.

    How do you know Sofia was not bitten? All we know is that she went lost in the woods and was then found days later in the barn?
  10. xlnsports

    xlnsports Cajun In Exile

    Oct 21, 2002
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    All hell will break loose at the Farm and all the not main characters will be eaten I.e. (Jimmy and the Girl who tried suicide). I suspect this is a transition for the prison and new characters to show up.

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