as far as I know he can have any pic he wants as long as it's allowed in the forum rules. lame man. bo did some redeeming this week. maybe everyone was too quick to jump his butt. We'll see for sure in two more games. the Litmus test is forthcoming.
Yep, the defense looked pretty good against Vandy. Its a lot easier to play defense against a one dimensional team like Vandy. The real test will come against the toughest part of our schedule. I'm really amazed at comments from some fans about our great defense against Vandy. I mean they played well and I applaud, I'm happy for the win but it was only 1 game against an ok team at best. Let's be realistic. Cangratulations on the win
Yes but they did play pretty damn good and against a QB that could really throw the ball, our achilles heel. Their coach said pregame that they were going to throw it short on short drops another sore spot with our D before tonight. I realize it was against a mediocre Vandy team but after the first two games stopping anyone's passing attack should be seen as a great improvement. Yes the jury is definitely still out on both Pellini and his D but I did see much much improvement tonight in both execution and scheme. Still can't believe the amount of penalties and aw $hit$ on offense tonight, this was our 4th game of the season wasn't it?
Pellini does deserve some credit for this game because the defense had to hold the offense's hand most of the game. It was getting downright rediculous, but the defense held serve all night. Vanderbilt was obviously overmatched by the tigers, but their coaches coached a solid game. And still Pellini won the coaching battle against Vandy's offense. More difficult challenges await us, but Pellini doesn't look as bad as the early season indicated, which is cause for excitement.
man like I said before. I have a very bad lisp and I can't stand listening to HOLTZ because his is so bad.
"Who is this Trev Alberts ? Does he work at Albertson's ? There's a milk spill on ailse five Trev, mop it up ! Trev will be back, he is one of the greatest NFL players to ever wear a uniform. His career as a broadcaster is second to none. Trev invented the internet. Trev knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried. Trev has the secret to the Bermuda Triangle. Trev saw Elvis last week. Trev is funny. Trev knows how to part hair. Trev knows Bo Jackson. Trev likes Michael Jackson. " No I don't miss Trev !!