The Techsters talkin much trash. Check out this ridiculous article: No place like home (2005)
I can't believe Rocky Top isn't in the top 10! That dude, Lavender, needs to attend more games! I think he's off his rocker. I do believe the article did what it was suppose to do. Stir up the water between two good teams that will go toe-to-toe on game two of their seasons.
Was there for the game in 2002 - less than impressed with the stadium and their fans are classles - retired dog lover Mike Vicks jersey that day - that should tell you something.
A couple questions: Isn't capacity over 92k now or is this lower number due to rennovation? Pretty sure there is way more than 120k people tailgating by Sat afternoon. I was thinkin more along the lines of 300k. Wonder how they measure this? Just by sampling the few tailgates I go to (less than 10), about 1/3 have tickets. The rest either stay during the game or run to the nearest TV. Oh yeah, that Tech board, WEAK. Seen better doggin at the playground... Later, Fur "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women."
This article was written before the season- of 2005. It's two years old. Who cares, anyways? It's not a poll, and it's from a site that, in my and tirk's experience, is absolute tripe anyways.
Yes, I know. I pointed that out in my post. Tech fans. I pointed that out in my post as well. I agree, I indicated in my post that I thought it was ridiculous. FYI, garbage, got tired of wading through the trash and sarcasm.
WOW. im really having a hard time putting into words how bad that forum is. first its a complete mess of posts, almost undeciferable. but even worse than that is that site being an excuse for a VT sports fan forum. All i got out of the past hour or so of reading it was everyone talking sh*t about everyone and everything else thats not tech. i really hope that this is not their top site for VT fans.
You are spoiled, in their defense. You're a member of the greatest sports forum on the internet! Honestly, though, I thought I was disrespected on other boards before, but I wouldn't even bother posting over there. I'm happy to sit over here and wait for them to come this way. :geauxtige